Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I hope I get to see TSO before the nation explodes.

It's election day. I swore I wouldn't pay attention to the coverage, bc the coverage won't change anything, and yet I seem to have MSN, CNN, and BBC News all open. I'm so stressed out already I've already made plans with a friend to go to Keglers and have wings and beer while we watch this mess unfold. This is the first time I've actually paid attention. Me and my left-wing views usually stay out on the fringe where no one can find us. This year however, I've gotten into more political arguements (with my family even) than ever. I think I'm going to need more than one beer.

In less stressful news, I'm twelve kinds of excited that I get to spend this weekend with the White family (especially Kellie, duh) AND get to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. You will remember them from this commercial.

Mom and dad got to watch TSO last year and mom described them as "death metal looking, but nice music playing." haha.

Also, I will admit to you readers, I miss my dog. I did not think I would. I planned to enjoy this weeklong vacation from Calypso, however sitting around last night, getting to eat all my dinner myself and not having half of it stolen, well I just didn't approve. But I guess she's having a fun time back home, fighting with Thor. I'm still trying to figure out how i'm going to put up my christmas tree this year and her not eat it or make it her new bathroom. This could get interesting.

And if you're wondering, I'm still taking the daily photo, I just havent been putting them online. Perhaps that should have been my goal.

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