Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cheeses and Raises and Whiskers on Kittens

Today has been a most excellent day.

First, I got a great nights sleep. Some of you who know my sleeping habits know this is a major accomplishment. I fell asleep without having to watch Fear and Loathing and a season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

When I got to work, I was told it was time for my (half a month late) 3 month review. Good news! They like me! They think I do good work and they gave me a raise! Hooray selling out for the Man's dollar! So that really helps out with the Christmas spending I've been doing while praying my credit card doesn't start laughing at me.

Next. I got to see Julia and baby Jonathan today. This was the first time I've gotten to see the baby and he's HUGE. So cute and happy.

Next. I tried a new cheese. I think. When I was at the grocery yesterday I found those little circles of cheese that you can buy. They are Babybel cheeses, see. Now, this is a brand name, but on the packaging, I could not find a type of cheese. So I wiki-ed it. And it seems to be an Edam cheese which is something else I've never heard of either. I may have eaten it, but I've never heard of it. So in my book, that counts as one of my 3 goal cheeses. So hooray for cheese.

I picked up my christmas cards on my way home from work and have started filling them out. I'm going to have to go to the post office to get stamps for you ppl and I hope you appreciate it. Although I must say, I like visiting with Lew at the post office, he's the only nice person I've ever met thats worked there.

H'ok. I'm off to watch House. Love from me to you!

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