Monday, April 26, 2010

as fast as a leopard

so. crazy dreams brought on by the rain. evil geniuses. party dresses. wrecking cars and not being able to tell people bc you dont have their phone numbers. regrets. and i'm wondering what you regret. bc there is no magic genie with three wishes. there's just free will. i've got a couple regrets. most include not taking a stand earlier. i dont know. this past week has flipped a lot of things i was convinced of on its ass. maybe it's the weather. maybe it's the medicine. maybe its bc i watched gallipoli last night like i've done every april for the past couple years. and i know this is a rambling mess but i'm exhausted because i couldnt sleep for all the what if thinking i was doing last night. you know, between puking my guts up.

what would you do different in your life if you had the chance?

i would not have eaten this multigrain bagel. it is/was gross.

i'm not Losing My Shit sad. i'm just its raining and i've been thinking too much sad. plus the car wreck part of the dream was so realistic that i woke up sore this morning, so i guess i was tensed up and thrashing around. all i wanted to do was call before i slipped into a coma. just make one phone call. and i couldnt. and that terrified me.

this is dreary. i apologize. it's the rain.

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