Wednesday, May 12, 2010

more crazy dreams

last night i dreamed that i knew something bad was going to happen. and in my dream i recognized it was a dream and thought, i should email and tell them i love them just in case. so in the dream i emailed and did just that. and then the dream continued and bad things did happen and the world was in chaos and i think i got burned alive. so when i woke up i couldnt decide whether i needed to email people and say hey i love you incase something bad happens, or if this is just another product of my fucked up mind.

so just to cover my bases, if something bad does for some reason happen, i love you. more than anything.

also, i'm wearing a dress today. under my own free will. it took me three seconds to remember why i dont wear dresses often to work. i have to sit like a lady. and a lady i am not. also it's still raining. however it doesnt seem to bother me as much today. these are the highs, folks. i feel -too- good today. but i'm going to take it while i have it. bc who knows, something bad could happen.

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