Sunday, March 7, 2010


sorry for dropping off the face of the earth. strange things are afoot at the Circle K. (thats a nice movie-referency way to say things around here have been happening and i dont know what all it means, homie). good thoughts. good thoughts, hoggle.

hows this for a crazy dream. i just woke up from a dream where everyone at work, myself included, were taken hostage by terrorists bc we were all working in DC for some reason. and it's hard to describe how realistic it was without putting you in my crazy brain. we were first locked up in a room with blue carpet but the second night they locked us up on a strange room with concrete floors and no one could sleep because it was so cold. and one guy from our group was being super nice and offered to mop if they didnt kill him and i remember thinking he was a total effing sellout. and at one point i saw the guards outside so i kept flipping them off and then realized that cultural fuck-you might not translate. and then as in any good movie we befriended one kid terrorist who snuck us in orange cupcakes. and then of course the boss got mad and put a gun to my head and said if i ate the cupcake he'd shoot me. and i told him he could go fuck himself and took a bite. and then i woke up.

double you tee eff does that dream mean, kids.

in other news i decided to go ahead and take down my christmas lights bc i'm feeling a little white trashy up in here.

i also wish you could have witnessed my friday evening purely for the comedic factor. it started with the mother of all panic attacks and ended because of some delicious blue shots. note to future generations: do not take the blue shots no matter how delicious they are. and they are DELICIOUS.

the sun is shining and it makes me feel like eight tenths of a real person. i'm gonna go locate me a cupcake, flip someone off, and have a delicious day.

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