Monday, March 1, 2010

so she did.

i heart bethany. so much. she has sent me so many nice cards lately and they make me feel good. and today, she topped herself times a billion and sent me a package! i know i have said it before but i love getting packages in the mail. you could probably just send me a box of packing peanuts and i'd get excited. but this one had things in it! books! and stickers! and the neatest little desk plaque thing that says 'she believed she could. so she did.' and i love that. that was exactly what i needed to hear today. bc i've been questioning a lot of things. and i know i'm on the right path. i believe i can and by Shatner, i will.

so we moved into our new but still temporary offices today. its much nicer because i have SPACE. the downside is that there are no windows. this is obviously not good for me. so i'm going to try and decorate as much as i can and make it fun. my own space. for now.

i dont care how embarrassing it is, but i love this song. it makes me think of sunshine and the smell of flowers and saltwater and being barefoot and goofy grinning and dancing in the rain. it makes me excited for changes coming my way.

i hope everyone is having a good day.


1 comment:

Brandon said...

Remind me to mail you a box of packing peanuts when I get the time.