Tuesday, March 30, 2010

my home among the hills

with the big win this weekend, there have been, obviously, a slew of articles written about the team and about west virginia in general. some have been bad, but this one really stuck out to me. particularly this part:

You come from a place like West Virginina and you're always being told what you can't do. It's too rural, too poor, too, well, too just West Virginian. If you're going ot succeed you have to leave, go off to somewhere bigger and fancier. It's how it's worked for generations. THe possibilities are limited at home, limitless away. So off they go-- many of the best and brightest seeking success elsewhere even as they carry their home state pride with them forever.

It's not coal that is West Virginia's greatest export. It's people.

and that gave me cold chills. both good and bad. bc most people i know have become exports. hell, for all intents and purposes i may become an export. and on one hand it makes me sad, and the other its an adventure. but its true, people from WV, no matter where they may be, they keep a part of this state with them. the coal and soil and water and air is in our bloodstream, the mountains and stars in our soul. there are no people in the world like those from West Virginia and I dare you to disagree. we are of the land and we appreciate it like few others. and no matter how far away we may move there is always a piece of our heart here. like there has been and will be for generations. those of us born and raised here are a part of a long history of heartbreak. and we learn from it. we grow from it. we're proud of it. it's who we are. and mountaineers are always free.

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