Saturday, March 20, 2010

the one in which i embarrass myself...

...for the good of humanity, as an example of why they say to NOT have alcohol while on antidepressants/anti-anxiety medication. i have to tell you though, if it wasnt how boo boo garbage i feel like today, i would say it shouldn't matter. alcohol hit me like a ton of bricks. which is cheaper, which is good.

this is officially the most embarrassing thing i've posted on here, and i've really got some head-smackingly embarrassing stuff strewn across the internet for you people to read (that i'm crazy, the Situation (not the jersey shore fucktard), hurting myself shoveling snow, etc etc.) but i figure, at least i'm always good for a laugh. I can see the CRJ cackling at this, and after the freak snowstorm they just had out west, he needs it.

and before i start, a couple of points.

1. apparently i was bound and determined to do this because i tried several times and also tried to post it, which i found this morning not posted.
2. i can keep a tune pretty well but i am definitely all scratchy and lower from being around smokers all evening (side note, that is one thing i really like about DC is that the bars are non-smoking and you dont smell like an ashtray when you get home)
3. I have no idea what show i got distracted by.
4. you cant see my hands, but there is another one i found and i managed to conduct with miraculous precision, including getting all the bell-crashes correctly and hitting the softer/louder parts spot on.
5. we never NEVER speak of this again.

1 comment:

Ha! I Prescribe Sloth said...

Wow. Look at that one squinty eye go.

And now, never mentioning again