Monday, March 8, 2010

half asleep

i am only partially ashamed that i spent seven (count em, SEVEN) hours of my day yesterday watching a Locked Up marathon. i am slightly more ashamed that i fell asleep on a stranger's (well, not a stranger, lets qualifiy it as a 'new person') couch during this extended viewing of the federal penitentiary system. the point of this post comes in two parts.

1. somehow i can find good in even the most vile humans. sure half of them were probably lying about how they were turning their lives around and going to be better parts of the community when statistically over 70% of them would be back in lock up in less than a year. But i genuinely hoped for them that they would be good people and go do good things and have a great life. even though over half of them were murderers. i seem to champion the worst people on this planet. bc i think everyone needs a second chance. but then i feel bad for the people who do good every day of their lives and are overlooked. they need heroes too.

2. while i felt terrible for falling asleep and being a horribly rude guest, i tried to explain myself, how that is such a novel experience seeing as i DO NOT SLEEP, that it should be taken as a compliment that i was that comfortable with them to pass out. and it got me thinkig that at one time or another i've fallen asleep on the couches of over half my readership on here. in fact most of you probably think i'm a class A bum what with the amount i have snoozed in your presence. but me being able to do that is equal to.... hell, i dont know, pledging allegiance to you and your next three generations because i trust you enough to be unconscious around you. THIS IS A BIG DEAL. sleep on couch=love i may have to continue hanging out so i can get some real, unmedicated rest.

and i cant speak enough about how wonderful the sunshine is. i really am a better person when the sun is out. i'm going to take my evil dog when i get home and enjoy the rest of the day.

my office smells of eucalyptus and vanilla cupcakes. and today, i genuinely feel good.

"i know i am the wanderer of the ways of all the worlds, to whom the sunshine and the rain are one. " -c.brennan

that sounds about right.


Ha! I Prescribe Sloth said...

If the only way you can get sleep is by passing out on other peoples' couches, I'm sure we can set up some sort of rotation schedule with your couch-owning friends. We always have a couch for you

Mrs. Tonya Young said...

When are you going to come fall asleep on my couch again? It's been a while.