Thursday, December 29, 2011

this is a new favorite song

the pics and article about this cave system are completely breathtaking and i want to go to there.

i had a really nice thing happen to me today at work and it reminded me that there are really genuinely good people in this world.

i applied to volunteer at a local place but they said i cant since i have a full time job and they are only open during business hours. this really upset me bc i wanted to do something to help people. so i guess i'm back to square one on that front.

i used up my tape taping back together some stuff i'd written awhile back. i can be a pretty decent writer when i actually put some thought and heart into it. i dont know if any of my writing is worth anything to anyone but me, but i'm still glad i did it.

i wish that i could paint bc i feel like i could better express myself that way. but everytime i try it looks like a 4 year old drew something with her toes and ketchup.

i had a really awful dream last night that i dont remember what happened, only that it was awful.

this is the first evening in awhile that i really just wanted to come home and take a nap and not think about things, but i refused to let myself do that. so i cleaned. and i read. and i watched HIMYM which i actually really like.

i'm just talking about nonsense so i dont talk about the one thing that is so very much on my brain. blurgh

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