Saturday, August 22, 2009

That Was When I Ruled the World

I've probably said this before, but i have a not-so-secret secret embarrassing love for Coldplay. It is tragically uncool to like Coldplay, but i've never really been capable at pulling off 'hip.' But I have this theory, that there is a Coldplay song, much like there is a Beatles or Ben Folds (Five) song, that can define any moment in you're life. and sometimes you'll go on to remember it for that reason in that moment in time.

anyway. lately i've had 2 songs stuck in my brain rotation. Violet Hill when I'm feeling down, and Viva la Via when I'm feeling up. Viva la Vida obviously gets a much more.... energetic (spastic) type of dancing out of me. Picture if you will me jumping around on my bed in my underwear screaming the lyrics along with chris martin, only to forget i have a ceiling fan and bashing my scub on one of the blades. yes. that was my morning about half an hour ago. if i didnt tell you embarrassing things, what would you do for entertainment all day.


i am sick of this damn rain. sure we needed it. blah blah blah. it causes me to feel grey all over.

the dog is staring at me. i should go be productive. and by productive i mean put her outside and then go lay on the couch.

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