Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Settin My Life to Music: 2008-Present

This is the last post in my music series. I'm sure you're glad to hear this. then i can get back to my regular scheduled bitching and nonsense.

2008 - you know what? i wont even joke. this year sucked. i hated school so much that i had to drink before class to get through it. i hated my internship so much i'd come up with excuses not to go. i hated the trailer so much (in my defense though, it really was one giant metal turd). my graduation ceremony was one of the most miserable highlights of my life that I have ever sat through. i felt like the degree i had was worthless, no one was ever going to love me the way i wanted to be loved, and all my friends were moving away to start their real lives and leaving me behind. but that sounds mean. there were good memories. it was a very happy/sad summer with several memories i hold dear. and there was shainna's wedding, which was an experience in itself. first time i can say i had ever gotten drunk on a trolley. i had the Dodger cat that i loved even though i was stupidly allergic to him. mammaw got calypso for me when i gave dodger away to a very loving non-allergy ridden family. and i got my first real job, thanks to that internship i hated. i did a lot of growing up that year, but not so much in an emotional way. more of a have-to way. i'm always going to love the people who kept me afloat during this time. the song for this year is Jack Johnson's Do You Remember? Do i want to explain this one? no. it hurts entirely too much.

2009 - i think the majority of this year i just functioned. go to work, go home, go to bed, repeat. part of it was bc for nearly the first year of employment, i was the youngest person by a good 5 years, and you dont realize what a huge difference that is until you experience it. i started to liven up though in the spring when we FINALLY hired some people who are my age and i became really close with them. and then we had to decide whether we wanted to stay with the company or go to the new company, and then i spent those two terrible months working from home. those months were probably the two darkest months i've ever lived and i dont want to think about them. instead we'll think about how much I loved Matt & Kim's Daylight. i could watch this video over and over and over and it made me happy for the simpleness and ridiculousness and wonderfulness of it. that is the first really warm day btwn spring and summer right when you get up in the morning and it still kind of smells like dew music. i have no idea what it means, but it make the monotony that was the better part of my year, well... better. i was still very much a hermit, but i was starting to actually try.

2010 - i think it's safe to say that 2010 pretty much blew my mind. i cracked up. quit my job. got help. got a new, better job that i LOVE (ps i got a raise this week, woot woot!), and met Zach. oh and lived thru Snopocalypse. I wont lie, I listened to an embarrassing amount of Lady Gaga this last year, but who didnt? I've said it before but she does what she does very well, even if that is selling out. but actually the song i think about for this year would be La Roux's Bulletproof. and i think thats fitting, you know? i was learning to like myself again, i was getting out of bed in the mornings, i felt worthwhile at my employment, and i jumped back into the terrifying world of dating and met my fiance. sure there were down times, bc no one is completely bulletproof. but i feel like it was a good start. and we all have to start somewhere. plus, i just really love the video for this song. its so very 80s and wonderful. perhaps i should start wearing my make-up like that. haha

2011? I don't think this year has been long enough yet for me to say what kind of music influenced it. The Lady Gaga concert would be one. the music i always listen to at the gym (a shuffle of Outkast, Franz Ferdinand, and Adele's 21) when i go walk/jog/run the treadmill. the stupid Hank 3rd cd in zach's car. those are the things I think of right now anyway. and this hasnt been a bad couple of months, but i wouldnt say its head over heels wonderful either. it's been a learning experience if nothing else. zach and i got our first 'real' home together. i fell in love with a washing machine and dryer all over again. i had my first real valentines day with a boy since maybe high school (and those dont really count). i planned/helped plan not only my wedding but my best cousins. i put off my wedding for another year. i found out i love beer cheese soup. i survived Snowpocalypse 2.0. its been a busy couple of months i suppose.

thanks for putting up with these posts with me. i've always wanted to do this, the whole music by memory thing. i should make a cd of all of them in order maybe.

anyway. i hope you still love, or at least tolerate me after this.

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