Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Settling back into work hasn't been as painful as I imagined it would be. Having finished everything for the upcoming week before I left really helped make this all easier I think. Everyone has been so nice about saying they missed me, whether it is true or not. It is nice to feel appreciated, either way.

It's a long weekend coming up, so I think I will probably go home for it. I want to vegetate, but I've been informed it's apple butter weekend, so put your orders in now if you want any. It's things like this that I appreciate more now that I'm older. I used to hate having to help stir off apple butter because it takes all damn day to do. But. Now it's nice to see everyone.

One of my neighbors back home passed in his sleep over the weekend and it's made me sad/uneasy. He was elderly and his wife had passed some time ago now, but he was just the nicest person, always with a smile on his face. I was close in age to his grandkids and I know they're all taking this rather hard. It makes me scared for losing Mammaw as she's my only grandparent still alive. She's incredibly healthy though, all things considered, so I feel it'll be ok for some time yet. What a morbid topic.

This evening I attempted to do some painting and it has failed miserably. I envisioned painting a quilt for mom for Christmas. This is how far I got before I got pissed and quit.

It worked out so much better in my head.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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