Monday, December 17, 2012

It's after midnight and this grandma should be asleep right now but I've been laying here in bed reading about Taylor Morris. I posted some links on Facebook but here is a link to his page.

He is one brave kid. No, not a kid. Even if he is younger than I am the shit he has lived through makes him more of an adult than I will ever be. His girlfriend too. I hope someday to find love like they have, that will stand through anything.

In lighter news I nearly killed Ryan this weekend.

That's an exaggeration but it still wasn't good. He came up Friday to spend the weekend which is great bc I haven't really gotten to see him much the last few weeks. We were going to go to the movies so I could finally see Lincoln but when it came Down to it, we were lazy instead. I ordered my fatty self some pizza and that's where the whole disaster started. See, Ryan has severe celiacs. He was sick for many years before they figured out what was wrong. He's got a super regimented diet now and absolutely cannot have gluten without getting sick.

So of course I order the most gluten filled food there is. And of course (bc the story won't make sense if I don't tell you the embarrassing bitS) we were making out like two kids at church camp. It didn't cross my mind to brush my teeth and he forgot to remind me. But just that was enough to make him sick. And I feel just awful. It's not like stomach virus puke and done sick but achey and stomach cramps and fever for days sick. I know he felt worse than he let on and I feel like a total asshole. So we did a lot of laying around instead of going out and about. I did take him up to see the house that christmas threw up on and he was adequately impressed.

I finally watched season two if walking dead. We were supposed to go to his last tattoo session, part four, but the artist had to cancel. I cannot imagine a twenty second tattoo bc I'm a coward and he has well over five hours in this.


I'm glad there are just five days of work until the holiday. I need a break.

Love and sunshine.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

some of us need you and your thank you for being you.

Anonymous said...

some of us need you and your words thank you for being you.