Sunday, June 2, 2013

I feel like life can finally calm down a little bit, if for a few weeks anyway, now that may has ended. Getting things squared away and closed on the rental house and the Relay for Life being the main two events. I paid professional cleaners to take care of the house bc I just didn't have the time for it. And I'm glad it was nice for my friends to move in to. It wasn't my favorite place to live or the best situation by far, but it got me to where I am now, so I can't complain.

The relay went fairly well. There wasn't the turnout that we had in years past. But at least you know that everyone there is there bc they want to be. I won a raffle for a basket of lotto tickets, and out of 22 of them I won a grand total of four dollars. Haha. Overall it was a good night and the county hit their fundraising goal.

I've really put any more home improvements on hold for awhile. I just haven't had the time to commit to another big project. Yea I could have this weekend, but after everything that's been going on, I decided to be lazy instead and just enjoy the sunshine. The most I've done was mow the yard this afternoon. I know as summer goes along it will lose its novelty, but I really enjoy doing it. I've suddenly got some pride in something bc it's mine. I don't want it to look like a jungle. Just like I've set a routine of cleaning the house top to bottom on Thursdays. I love the smell of Murphy's oil soap, and since its all hardwood floor (except the kitchen and bathrooms of course) I use lots of it.

The puppies are starting to get Along better. Calypso still doesn't like if Nelson gets too close to her stash of bones and toys. As for him, I think he's just happy to be alive.


I'm thankful for where I am. It's not where I thought I'd be in life, not by a long shot. But it feels more right than anything ever has.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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