Sunday, December 12, 2010

i'm trying to decide if i should be ashamed or not that i am sitting here on the computer while the Stranger is dusting. i'm sure there is some guilt buried down in there somewhere, but if he wants to clean, i'm not going to be the one to stop him.

at last, all of my shopping is 100% complete. i like seeing all the presents under our sad little tree. most of the ones that need shipped off to the far reaches of the planet have made their way, and i think they've been well received. i'm told i'm getting many cookies from Kansas, and for this i am MOST excited. of course, i also got excited (and a little alarmed really) to see that kroger was already selling cadbury easter eggs, but, i am not one to complain about them. yum yum.

this week officially starts the holiday get togethering. tuesday we are taking a photo at work of our tackiest holiday attire as a surprise for our company president. i'm going to have to break out the finery for this one! and then this weekend we are heading for the wilds of Kentucky for christmas with the Stranger in Laws since we're spending the actual day with my family. we got his niece the coolest crayola glow in the dark spinny thing that, if i'm being honest here, i want her to open so that i can play with it with her. why didnt we have anything this awesome when we were little???

sunday on our way back north we are stopping at moms side of the family's holiday get together. this is when the stranger will finally get to meet ALL billion of them. (maybe thats an exaggeration. but mom does have 6 brothers and 2 sisters. and when you add in spouses and children and grandchildren... well i'd have to take my shoes and your shoes off to count us all.

the wedding planning has come to a halt for now. we're seriously debating putting it off til 2012 so that we can have exactly what we want without any compromises. it's not what we'd rather do, but sometimes, you just have to make choices. we'll see.

it's starting to snow again and we are expected to get quite a bit. thank goodness the Stranger goes to work before i do, bc he digs my car out while he does his. as long as it snows on christmas, it can stop immediately after for all i'm concerned.

we still havent finalized plans for new years. the strangers work gave him some tickets for some sort of special hockey game in pburgh that happens that day. something about it being outside? i dont know. but i cant imagine that that would be any kind of fun sitting in the snow all day. i guess we will see, i could be wrong. we may not even go up there. (it kills me not having a plan. i NEED A PLAN)

i have pretty much been a sloth all weekend and i am not ashamed. sometimes you just need to stay in your sweatpants.

i hope all is well wherever you may be. lovelove and sunshine

1 comment:

Shannon said...

the outside winter hockey game is the winter classic! my hubby and I are HUGE hockey fans and we went to the first annual winter classic in Buffalo a few years back. I remember having a blast and drinking like it was a football tailgate. But then again, I love hockey, so I may be bias. :)