Tuesday, August 3, 2010

that one time, i thought i had a good idea, and it blew up in my face, you know. you were there.

so. in a moment of brilliance (stupidity) we decided to get a cat. this is completely ignoring the fact that i knew i was mildly allergic to cats. we could just clean more! so sunday we came home from petco with an adorable little black kitten, ignoring the fact that i'm sneezing all over it.

what we didnt anticipate is that the dog would also be allergic to it. severely allergic. laying on her side all rigid and having an asthma attack allergic. so now the kitten has to go back which breaks my heart bc it's a nice little cat, but i love my idiot dog. plus, as it turns out, i'm not so mildly allergic to the felines, but quite allergic indeed. to the point that i had to take the delicious sleeping pills last night just to pass out bc i couldnt stop coughing.

lesson learned there, kids.

today is the stranger's bday, so if you talk to him, wish him a happy one. i've tried to make it a really good one for him. i took about eighty thousand steps backward on sunday, but, live and learn. i meant to wake up when he got up this morning to wish him a happy one, but those sleeping pills, they are just amazing. he said i told him something about hamburgers and passed back out. i could really go for a hamburger, actually.

at any rate. it's august. i dont know if that means anything really. things are just kinda holding steady.


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