Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Things that Make Me Giddy.

1. apologies for the multiple spelling errors in last post that i refuse to go back and fix.

2. getting 3 hours of sleep that night did not make me a happy bird.

3. This is super-nerdy. But I am fascinated. I need to send this link to my great aunt who does family tree nonsense.

4. Finally! one photo from kellie marie's wedding! I don't know why we don't seem to have any floating around.. I'm sure more will follow, ones that werent taken in a SCARY pink room. Isn't kiki beautiful?!

5. I seriously want some tater tots. I dreamed in tots and now that is all I can think about.

6. I'm so glad I work with crazy people. They keep me afloat more often than not.

7. It may be july, but i am wearing 4 layers right now because I work in the arctic circle of doom. at least i look accidentally patriotic.

8. i wish it were november already so i would know what i'm doing job-wise. and then it can go back to being summer. or maybe skip around to my bday. that would be pretty alright.

9. can i help you?

10. i think i pulled something in my shoulder at zumba last night. i have no idea how this even happens. that latin dance nonsense is going to kill me. but i loves it.

11. I really dont have anythign to say. I just wanted to show you the medieval database and the photo from kellie's big day. I should have just done that.

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