steffs birthday was friday, and in true steff fashion, it was a ridiculous experience. we traveled 'balls deep' as the phrase of the night became, which really makes no sense when you think about it. but when you travel in a wolfpack of around 20 people to various establishments around the greater high street area, you can pretty much call it what you wish. when i get the photos from steff, remind you to show the mean face. apparently, when you roll balls deep, you have to routinely wear mean faces. or, subsequently, you look like this (photo courtesy of sarah k):

as any good celebration we through together anymore, the night involved kareoke, dancing with queens, and swill with friends. i'm glad i dont do this often, one because i just dont think i could physically handle it and two, bc i think it would lose some of its magic.
the rest of my weekend has alternately involved sunshine and rain, sushi, jenga, fondue, the movie of Into the Wild (go watch now), books, sparklers, burritos, memories,iced coffes, hugs, hangovers, and naps. in about an hour or so it will be time to go on my weekly arguing tour of the grocery store. today, i shall fight for sour cream for those potatoes!
this website has once again stirred the inking desire. i've done well at overcoming many fears this past year or so. i think the tattoo would be one of the biggest hurdles yet. that, and what i want changes each time. since easter i've stuck with the 'going' bird, but who says that will last? i still want the dogwood flower, the violet flower, and the compass, but i don't want those to be my first. maybe if someone buys me a tattoo for my bday, i'd feel obligated to get it and wouldnt let myself chicken out... *coughcoughHINT* but this website is awesome and has many of my favorite quotes/books/poems in tattoo form. i want to hug the person who has the Everything Is Illuminated one...
there are so many motorcycles in town that it constantly sounds like thunder. which is kind of nice on one hand bc i love the sounds of storms. but on the other hand it means there are many fast moving targets that keep me off the road out of fear. i watched one hit a pothole yesterday and my heart momentarily stopped bc i thought he was going to fly off into my windshield. it didnt even phase the biker, but i probably lost 3 months off my life.
i dont know whats in the week to come. i almost wish it would stretch out because i'm not looking for the weekend for multiple reasons. if i don't end up having to work, i might take a little trip.
we'll see what happens.
and when there are more photos, i will show them to you. all else, know that two english degrees later, i'm afraid all i'm accomplished at is being able to ramble off eloquently worded slang for the male member.
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