Hooray, I remembered to do this. only 30 more days to remember to take care of!
So. Letter A. That would be Alisha Dawn. Or better known as Seese. (i'm going to try and include as many photos as I can. Unless ppl think that's creepy. And then I wont.)

Seese and I have been friends since I started dance class in 3rd grade. We lived together for two years in college. Her dog ate a piece of my ear. We had a hot pink kitchen. We spent a lot of time with her grandma watching the Lifetime Channel. She makes awesome chicken casserole. She makes me go to zumba (which I thank her for later.) She's fed me many many times. She let me invite myself over even more often when I couldn't stand being by myself. There's a damn good chance she's going to marry my cousin, and I approve of this greatly. She's hilarious when she's drunk. She's equally hilarious when impersonating her mother's accent. Put the two together, add leis and Leah's bachelorette party, and you have a helluva good time.
Hooray for the A names.
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