chris first, dreams second.
i have known christopher eugene since kindergarten. i only just realized that that equals 20 years. holy shit. i think he is probably the friend i have known the longest. we had to walk in at kindergarten graduation together bc we were the two tallest kids in the class.

if youre wondering,yes, that is dog food and a 40 in his hands. bc thats how we roll at christmas in these parts.
at any rate. chris can always be counted on to be entertaining. he had mad croc drawing skills in 1st grade. his apartment is full of crazy fun things, which you can read about here. he likes bacon more than any person i know. he eats 2 loaded baked potatoes and the biggest steak available when he goes out to eat. he gave me pirate treasure for my birthday, which i still keep in my wallet. he has been electrocuted. and he got a 40 for christmas and actually drank it. so here's to you, christopher. may we be friends for another 20 yrs!
and now for my crazy dream. lets start out with the fact that i was super excited that i got to sleep in today, for the first time in approx a month. i was going to sleep in until at least noon. no. i got a txt msg that woke me up. but the dream i was having....
i was on some sort of bus tour to Chicago with friends and family. we were making a stop and some crazy guys art museum first. i was pissed bc my camera died and all mom brought was a disposable one and you cant put those on facebook immediately. so the outside of the museum looked like it was in the sky. it looked like a white and pink castle made of clouds that came out of a bigger cloud. there was a smokestack on it that blew out more white and pink clouds. super crazy. and you go inside and there is art everywhere on the walls where you walk up this super creepy spiral staircase. murals of chubby babies and corners that arent corners but are painted to look like it goes down a hallway. and cross-stitch sayings that change what they say. so then i go into this one room that looks like someones living room with chairs and a little coffee table and over the mantle of a fire there is a piece of artwork done in neon colors and its 3 outlines of WV and beneath it, it says "If I came to West Virginia, What Would You Do?" and then it had a little glass jar that you could leave comments in. and it was half full. so then i see the artist, who looks like a homeless santa talking to a friend of mine and somehow he talked her out of her drug stash. and then my grandma comes in and gets all righteous on this guy going on about how he doesnt need to be doing drugs and how she's had cancer of the tongue (which she hasnt, it was breast cancer) and how her nose is rotting off (at which point i realize mammaw is wearing one white glove and is actually michael jackson) (not kidding) and that if people ask her how she's doing, she doesn't complain but rather says "just fine." and then creeper santa comes up behind me and says "well we''ll see how just fine your grandaughter is." and then i woke up.
whisky tango foxtrot, batman. you'd think i was the one on drugs. its what b.county does to ya i suppose.
and now, i'm off to run errands for the parental unit. have a great day everyone!
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