So i was informed that the alphabet appreciate posts were kind of creepy/too much info on the internetty. So I wont be doing them anymore. But prior to this i did sit down and think about who I would have for each day. And known readers, every last one of you were on my list. You've listened to a lot of shit from me from me for quite awhile now. That first and foremost is a big thing. So many thanks to you.
I was also surprised at how many ppl on my list were family members. It's no new story that I dont exactly see eye-to-eye with 89% of the people I am related to. Mostly bc I am a tree hugging liberal. But I think it is because that those people I dont agree with have helped give me an education (and i'm not just talking school) to be able to 1. have an educated opinion and 2. be able to argue it with sound facts and research. This actually blew me away when I thought about it.
And I was going to post all this about 3 days ago, but I got the mother of all migraines and spent a good deal of time wimpering in the dark corners of my bedroom. I've had a headache since, but not as severe. Nothing that I can't work through. So there you have it, my list of excuses and apologies.
So. Lets talk about it. The MJ memorial service. I had it streaming while I was doing some editing yesterday. I thought it was all very gimmicky until that poor little girl got up and tried to speak. That just broke my heart. I hate seeing little kids upset. And I hate seeing upset little kids paraded infront of cameras for the world like that. I could go on a rant about this, but then I am the type of person that causes the problem in the first place. It all lead to a very depressing conversation with my mother about what we all want done to our bodies when we die. I still am stuck on becoming part of an artificial barrier reef. Mom thinks I'm strange. This is not the first or last time she has thought that.
Less depressing topics. My grand alaska plans have all but fallen through because I was reminded that I need to be responsible. I hate that word. So now I need to think of something vacationy that I can do that is cheaper. I'll have to take a week off work one way or another, and I don't want to waste it on this town.
More nerdy topics. I finally bribed my way into watching the Star Trek movie. I just had to spend an hour and a half in the snowboarding section of Adventures Edge. Luckily I found a copy of "Into the Wild" to read and got thru about half of it. I felt obligated to buy it at that point. At any rate, I really liked the Star Trek movie. I know that makes me a dork. And the fact that I got a lot of the quips and jokes from the series makes me a bigger dork. I forgot how much I liked the nonsense that is that plotline. I recommend it to trekkies and non trekkies alike. The visuals are pretty good. As long as you're not sitting by someone who is saying things like "well how did they get set on fire if they just parachuted through atmosphere?" this is the point when you punch them. hard. repeatedly.
*This blog does not promote domestic violence. I swear.*
So its humpday, and while I should be happy, the forecast shows a long weekend of work. It could be worse by far. But bc I'm working, that means it will be beautiful out. So enjoy your weekend, locals.
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