so anyway. it is my evil dog's second birthday. i cant believe i've had her for nearly two years. she's seen me at my craziest, she's seen me curled up in a ball in the bathroom floor, and she's seen me at my highest. and if she judges me, i luckily dont speak her language. but as we speak she's currently barking at herself in the mirror and i'm thankful for my stupid dog. she's been my number one companion, even if she does eat the insoles out of my shoes.

i woke up today feeling more like garbage than i have in awhile and i knew it was because the new medicine. i couldnt keep anything in me food wise. it was booboo garbage. i got on wikipedia to look up really what the medicine was for, and it scared me. an antipsychotic used for several things including, but not mainly prescribed for, the treatment (more of a calming down) of autism. so if i i really have aspergers (thats just a horrible running joke at this point, but that episode really was on again recently), then i guess i am killin two birds with one stone. hopefully this death feeling will go away in a few days though, or i'm taking myself off of that stuff.
i got to have lunch with laura and mark today on their way through from their vacation. its always good to see them. i miss the both of them very much. i've really cut myself off from a lot of people that i really didnt mean to. i should work on that.
and then the work people and i went out for green beer and food (the smartest thing you can put in your already food-rejecting body) and the stranger came with us and got an overall seal of approval, which is always a good thing. especially since i went back to his place and passed out on the couch for three hours because i didnt want to be rude and puke. i'm like the worst possible person to have a sliver of interest in, really. i sleep or puke on you. what options!
also, because i forgot to share it before, here is the dino blog. we've been staging all sorts of ridiculous photos. you better believe it had green beer tonight. who knows, maybe it will be famous.
i'm going to go curl up in a tiny ball and try not to get sick on my dog on her birthday now. i hope everyone is having a good st patrick's day.
I hope beyond hope that the pink wig and the Michelangelo are the dog's birthday presents
those are both mine actually, but she got fast food for her bday, which is how i got her to sit still for the photo.
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