no but really. I did lose my shit (also, from now on can we just abbreviate that to LMS, since i'm sure it will come up again?) but god bless good people and good drugs because i know those two things are going to help me claw back out, again, for the eightyfour thousandth time.
i need to number things. so.
1. postsecret this week was a bust. i always hope to see one i've sent, or even better, one for me. neither of these things happen.
2. dawn had madison's birthday party this weekend and it was just a good life-check for me. madi is one of three children i would do anything in my capabilities for and not look back. and i am glad i have been there to see her grow from the very beginning. she's so incredibly smart. dawn says she thinks she must actually be our love child, because she loves books so much. and since i love buying books for kids, mad made out like a bandit. here is a photo of the two of us after she got REALLY excited that she got Yertle the Turtle. forgive that i look like garbage. i had to drag my carcass out of bed. madi on the other hand, is effing adorable.

3. i went back to the doctor today and is changing my meds. he wants to add another drug, of which the name escapes me, to my already upped intake. this one, apparently, is a good 'kicker' drug, getting me up to where i should be so that i dont keep LMS all the time. (see, i told you that would come in handy). its also supposed to give me energy, which would be a nice change since the thought of getting out of bed most of this weekend was right up there with the prospect of stabbing myself in the eye. the only side effect is that it can speed you up so much you dont sleep. but since i dont do that anyway, i figure, its worth a shot. so in two weeks if i'm not feeling spectacularly human, i am to go back so we can try something else. i feel like this is some sort of animal testing. but if i will feel better in the end, then i'll do it.
4. i'm still sad though. because people make me sad.
5. i'm also sad that all those siberian tigers died.
6. also, in my head i pronounced that 'taggers' which means Z's southern accent is rubbing off on me, and that is entirely unacceptable. i worked long and hard to lose my twang and i'll be damned if it comes back.
7. i sat in rite aid for over half an hour tonight waiting for all my goodies and had to listen to this trio of freshman from jersey talking about each other, boys, each other, their tanning schedule, each other, rhianna, each other, cell phones, each other, and whether they were fat. oh, and each other. the fact that they smelled like baby whores did not help my mood. i have never been so compelled to smack a bitch in my life. when they called my name i said 'oh thank FUCK' before i realized the words came out of my mouth. and yes. they were in fact there for herpes medicine. because they discussed it. and how they were TOTALLY BUMMED IT WAS THE KIND THAT MAKES YOU FAT. oh the horror.
8. i LMS on the stranger's couch. but he didnt seem to mind. and then Kentucky won the game and i felt a little better.
9. i'm Reading Ingredients with dave ryan this weekend for his website, so be prepared for a post of that nonsense.
10. i was going to go home in two weeks, and even broached the subject with the parental unit. to which i was told not to bother bc they would be out of town anyway. awesome.
11. it's time to change my hair again.
LMS is pretty awesome. Kudos for abbreviating it because it sounds more like a diagnosed syndrome. "I had a bad case of LMS yesterday." Works perfectly. Kind of like RLS = Restless Leg Syndrome.
You look pretty awesome for a "carcass!" Just making it out of bed and showing up is the battle. :)
After living in Idaho for almost three years, I haven't lost my WV twang. I have started adding Idaho twang in with the WV twang so that makes for a good time. Some people are crazy with their "o" sounds so I sound part Canadian at times. EeeeK! Which is worse than WV twang.
thanks, agnes!
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