so i think i jinxed myself saying i havent gotten a migraine lately because i woke up this mornign with my head hurting so bad i wanted to vomit (pretty picture, eh?). but i'm trying to be better at not weenying out of work when i feel like garbage, so i dragged myself in. maybe it was because the lights had been on but the smell of carpet glue was intense. bleh. but enough of that. i put up some of my desk stuff (since we cant put anything on the walls yet, but i plan on it, some of laura's works, woo). and here is what we have:

My bethany inspiration, my frog from my favorite teacher in high school, my pooping panda, and a neat glass vase of dried pink roses.

My 'wow, you're a nerd' area with my Stuff White People Like calendar (today's like: wine), my 4 art prints from an artist in ireland. the top left is josephine and napoleon, bottom left is queen elizabeth, top right is a queen of hearts and the jack of hearts, and the bottom right is a boy going to space with an apparently sad girl watching. then you will see the awesome leg lamp, and again the pooping panda. because i keep shit classy.
and then my favorite part, and in a photo that turned out pretty awesome if i say so myself:

My solar powered ferris wheel. Since i dont have the sun close by, it plugs into the wall and has a lightbulb set up to move it. but still. how cool is that? it moves and everything.
i still have a vicious headache but i am going to pottery. i will try and get some new photos.
also, i may have put a small (large) dent (hole) in the front bumper of the car from hitting a pothole. now you may scoff at this until you factor in that the potholes in this town are so deep you can swim in them and not touch the bottom. i cant wait to hear the judgement on that one.
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