so i went to my last pottery class of the session. and an extra night. and signed up for the next session and shelled out my two hundred dollars. i frankly think it is more than worth the money as it has probably had a 50/50 percentage of what has kept me sane lately. but i painted/carved my last seven pots. tomorrow is mammaw's bday, so i painted one for her with dogwood flowers. complete with shading. (it wont be gray colored once it's fired)

it was completely accidental that it worked out like that that it looks like it connects from the inside.
here are some others i finished up:

i like the blue one on the right. i thought i had jacked it up, but it turned out to look like the ocean and sky, and those are my two things.
and finally, this one isn't as pretty, but it's the one that that i want to get for my tattoo (different font though. and a bird that actually looks like a bird.)

it looks like its going to be a dreary weekend. but maybe thats ok. i really need to make myself clean house, and since i have nothin to do, i have no excuse not to do it. right? right?
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