So I was moseying about the internet, as per usual, and came across something so deliciously entertaining, i had to share. A site of text messages that have been embroidered into christmas ornaments. My first instinct was that I immediately wanted to do this. My second instinct was to slap myself in the forehead bc a few days ago in a fit of girlpower (or caffeine withdraw, whatever) I deleted every single text I had saved. That was approximately 2 years worth of very juicy stuff, forever deleted from my phone. Even though I firmly believe my cellphone provider keeps transcripts of my dirty conversations.
But I digress.
My third, and most magical instinct was that it would be equally, if not more so in some cases, funny to embroider instant messages from people. I can picture it, a tree covered with the foulest, most bizarre bits of conversation. I can think of a number of things Shainna has said that would be right up there. And instead of a star atop the tree, I would have the little AOL man, running along in Christmas wonder. Part of me reeeeeally wants to do this. The other part is lazy and would rather watch reruns of Scrubs. And then there's the part of me who knows I would go out and waste a boatload of money at the craft store on this, make 1 single ornament, and get bored with it. Another part of me really at this moment would like some cheese. Hrmph.
I also saw on CakeWrecks a cookie cutter that looks like a fetus/alien and immediately thought those would be great gingerbread ornaments on my condom christmas tree.
Hell. i have a one-way ticket in the front row.
So this post doesn't come off as me being a complete heathen, this program is something those of you who can knit/crochet might look into. You make hats for babies. So simple! On the knifty knitter you can crank one of those out in an hour. So this is added to my ever growing list of causes. Help for soldiers and babies and the cure for cancer. Thats all I ask for.
1 comment:
thank you for posting this link - i honest to god have a knifty knitter and bought several skiens of yarn last year in the intention of doing this!! thanks for the reminder!
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