1. one of my coworkers gave me a christmas card. now, you're probably thinking, so what? and i agree that in most cases i would agree, especially in the office setting. but this was from one of the guys i work with, and it really made me feel like i had finally become a part of this working group. like i actually 'fit in' the office, like i'd pulled my weight. does that even make sense? but the thing that made me most emotional is here he (again, dont want to use names since it's work related) got us all christmas cards when his poor dog is not doing so well. Sunshine (the dog) has been his whole life for the past 11 years and Sunshine hurt her leg severly this past monday and it's making it near impossible for her to move around and eat and do her business, so she's becoming very despondant and well, it just doesnt look too good for sunshine. so he's been spending time trying to get sunshine better and well, it just really made me feel good that he took the time to fill out christmas cards for us all. maybe that sounds really dumb to you, but i think you pet owners would understand. so send good thoughts to my co-worker and Sunshine.
2.we have the nicest couple on earth working as the cleaning service at the office. they know every person in the whole building by name and stuff about them and are always so nice when they come in, it is a good way to end my day, having a nice conversation with them. well they dont get paid shit. and they work their ass off. so our building, which is i think 3 different small companies all took up a collection for them. and in 2 days we raised over 700 dollars. and they came around this evening and thanked every single one of us. and it was just a good feeling that i could be a part of something for two people who deserve wonderful things.
3.Meet Me in St.Louis. This may not seem like a traditional christmas movie to most of you, but i would put it u their in my top 5 (christmas story, obviously, muppet christmas carol, national lampoons christmas vacation, and the claymation version of rudolph... bc i love hermey the wanna be dentist). Judy Garland singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" is probably my favorite Christmas song. Followed by Zooey Deschanel singing "Baby it's Cold Outside." but, back to the movie. you all probably know by now my love for black and white film. and this is one of those magical ones. if you get past the fact that judy garland was strung out on every drug known to man and not even at that point by her own choice, then you have a magical film of a completely different time in our world and culture. sometimes, i wish we lead a life that we could still feel something as magical as excitement for the worlds fair and a christmas ball. i want to go to a christmas ball. but that makes no sense probably. but i love that movie and i can't find it on tv (imdb says its not playing until 1am on christmas day) and i cant find it at any of the stores which is really weird.
on a non-christmas note, i'm going antiquing tomorrow, which i love in my own nerdy way. i just love seeing things that meant something to someone else.
also, my dog is staring at herself in my mirror and has been for probably the last half hour. i made a noise and she looked at me like i was ruining her concentration. i have strange animals.
And bc it isn't a post without an old photo, here's this one of yours truly, showing that i didn't always look like an angry old man.

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