Mom finally found the photo I've been looking for for this project for Mammaw for Christmas. I hope it can be finished in time to give to her for Christmas. And I'm posting it on here 1) Because I love the photo, and 2) I don't want to somehow lose it again and have to rely on mom to find it again bc that will take forever. So here are my grandparents (on dad's side) when they got married.
So in other news I upped my sushi eating ability today. I had spider rolls. Which sounds gross. But it was a delicious concoction of softshell crab, shrimp, other things, and wasabi. i think wasabi is my new ranch dressing. i think anything can at least be passable if it has wasabi. And then we watched Blade Runner and can now scratch that off my movies list. woo. I should be packing but I am feeling lazy. I am sure I will have much to (very vaguely) report about the work party (don't want to get dooced here) (looked 'dooced' up on the urban dictionary, lol)
so that's all for tonight, folks. hearts and stars and gingerbread scented moonbeams from me to you.
1 comment:
1. i love that picture
2. if you like wasabi, get the warm pretzels at firkin fox and the spicy very horseradishy mustard
2 1/2. while you are there, get a hornsby's cider (they have it on tap!!!!!)
3. i'm looking forward to the xmas party picture and will be expecting no less at the candlelight service at church missy :-P
oh and by the way, the catcha thing for this comment is poobah
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