So we had Christmas with moms side of the family today, which means we go to Strange Creek. The location name fits the family. These are my more.... how do I say...... "down home" relatives. I went in prepared for a political argument with my uncle who thinks Rush Limbaugh is God's right hand. Somehow I managed to dart around enough to miss that conversation. Lucky me. To make up for it I had every relative (and lets not joke, there were 25+ people there) asking me if i was married yet, did I have a serious boyfriend, aren't I seeing anyone, why dont I get back with that one guy (oh you mean that one who's been married for 3 years? thanks, but no) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Now. I understand that all 6 of my uncles and both of my aunts and my mom were married at the latest by 24, and the ones who had children had their first by at least 25. But. That's not me! I chose school instead! Alot of people do otherwise! Not that I wouldn't like to do that, but. I think mom could tell i was borderline ready to spaz out because of it and she kept trying to distract them by talking about what a good job I have and that they gave me a raise and all, and that just made me feel worse really. I shouldn't have to win those peoples approval. I know that. but hell. you want your family to be proud of you. and bc i havent plopped a clown car's worth of kids out the ol hoo-ha, i feel like it's not enough to them. oh well.
so for better stories. on mom's side instead of getting each person a gift we do the swap thing. now you can guarentee on three things in that swap: knives, handmade quilts, tacky christmas decorations. everyone fights over the quilt and pretends they really love that dollar store santa claus and hard candy set. when michael and i were little we would openly cheat to get the best numbers. i got in the middle this time. i ended up with a book on how to make quilts. i gave it to mom. dad came home with knives (they're 2008 christmas edition, andrea. these are good knives) and mom came home with a handmade christmas tree thing that holds hershey kisses. i ate enough peanut butter pie to beach a whale. i better get wii fit for christmas.
also, it snowed at home. a good 3-4 inches of the slick shit. even in mom's envoy we were sliding. my subarizzle is a ninja and had no problems, but still. I left early to get back up here before it got tooo bad, and there's NOTHING here. well thats a lie, there's a little bit. but nothing to write home about. I was all prepared to drive defensively, and ended up having the most boring drive, which i suppose I should be thankful for, but still.
so what else. this is an uneventful week coming up. Saturday is the smarmy work Christmas party at Nemacolin that I don't really know how to feel about. Working with people is one thing but partying with them is another. I'm taking Foster for support. And for someone to drag me around if I drink too much. I'm told there is much drinking. On the company dollar.
Also I bought my gifts for the white trash party (which you're all invited to, Jan 10) and I must say, you people are in for a treat. Mom did much eye rolling, so I know the gift selection is perfect.
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