Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So we are sitting here, waiting for this apparent massive snow storm to hit, and it's barely raining at best. But any excuse to work from home, I will take.

So Bethany came up this weekend and it was great. Have I written about this? I can't remember. I think I'm losing my mind. I had to count on my fingers how old I was this morning. Oh yes. I went there. But it really was great to get to see and actually talk real things with B. I had stuff I needed to talk about and I felt like she would be a good soundboard. And as always she was. So thanks for that B.

The Stranger is sick, which means I'm keeping a three foot distance btwn us as I refuse to get sick again. He acts like he is dying, as all males seem to do when they are the least bit ill. As for me I and eating vitamin c like it's candy and drinking my body weight in water.

In a more different topic, the honey mayo at blackbear burrito makes my whole life better. I've finally created the perfect wrap and I want one right now even though I had one just last night. Yum.

Ps Tudors finally came to Motown and it's like Christmas.

I also can't remember if I've written about this, but I found a new app that makes pictures look amazing. You can find my photo sets on Instagram by searching barelyaware. But here is an example:

Yea. That is a photo of a movie on my television. Fav movie ever.

At any rate. I've had a lot on my mind as of late, so apologies for not being a better blogger. There just isn't really anything exciting going on. I've hit that winter blah where I go home in the evening and go straight to the couch and nap and just have zero desire to do anything. I really really need for spring to come so I can get out of my head.

Meh. Lovelove

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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