i feel like i don't have much to say lately. each post would start out, "welp, it snowed again."
i'm really over this winter. and i do realize that this time last year is when the worst of the weather was just starting. it makes me cry a little on the inside.
However. This time last year I was starting my new job. I cannot even begin to say how ridiculously thankful I am that I quit my other job to come to this one. Quitting at TMS was the first of many positive changes that started in my life last winter, including getting put on happy pills, starting at a new company that is wonderful to their employees and where I have made a great many new friends, moving, and meeting the Stranger. All that good karma i tried to build up definitely paid off tenfold.
however, the stranger wants us to move again, closer to town if nothing else. i've been looking again at townhouses and things, and this town is just so overpriced it makes me sick. it almost makes me want to go ahead and just move to lexington, where we could have twice as much space for what we are paying now. but since we wont know and wont decide what we're doing til april, i guess for now we will just have to hope the weather chills out. famous last words.
i had a bit of a freakout moment when thinking about the wedding that i told the Stranger that i wanted to go ahead and just go to the courthouse and get it over with. my family (not counting my aunt and laura, actually) have been no help at all and don't even bring up the event unless i do first, which usually leads to me screaming and having an anxiety attack. it's definitely going to be in 2012 now, which i realize gives me a whole year extra to plan this, but i am just one of those people that needs things to be happening now. now nownow. i dont even enjoy talking about the plans at all anymore. its gone from something fun to a battle.
in brighter news, we may go to the Derby again this year, and actually get real seats. i'll have to start looking for a large large hat.
(this is the point where i am REALLY struggling to come up with something to talk about....)
we went to muriales last night, which is in fact my favorite mob-run italian restaurant on the planet earth. (damn, that is a sweet earth you might say. ROUND!) we had gotten gift certificates and you better believe we used them up. i came home with the most amazing tiramisu. i would die happy if i could just swim laps in that tiramisu. i'm only slightly joking. and it is just so much food that we came home with more than enough for dinner tonight too, which is always a bonus.
at any rate. i've run out of semi-entertaining things to talk about, so i suppose i will let you go. i hope you have a lovely week ahead. and i hope it DOESNT SNOW.
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