so shainna talked me into a new project. seemingly, it should be easy. but i'm fairly sure i tried this last year too with no results. BUT. now i have a handy dandy website on my phone with a reminder. surely i can keep up with it, right?
anyway. it's taking a photo every day for a year. and here is my webpage of photos. granted, there are only two at the moment. but. its a start, yes?
i'm relishing in my last day off before going back to work. that means i'm being lazy, eating unhealthy food, and watching crap tv. over my vacation i've read ten books. well, one was a graphic novel (pride and prejudice and zombies!) but i still think that counts. i've slept a ridiculous amount, ate a better half of a wheel of brie, and caught up on episodes of Top Gear. i call this vacation a total success.
our new year started well. we played kinect with friends and then went to brew pub for the countdown. i'm glad we didnt end up going to the hockey game bc it rained the entire time. drinking things that taste like chocolate is a much better idea.
i hope everyone's new year has started off nicely. as for me, i think i'm going to take a lovely nap.
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