i feel like i don't have much to say lately. each post would start out, "welp, it snowed again."
i'm really over this winter. and i do realize that this time last year is when the worst of the weather was just starting. it makes me cry a little on the inside.
However. This time last year I was starting my new job. I cannot even begin to say how ridiculously thankful I am that I quit my other job to come to this one. Quitting at TMS was the first of many positive changes that started in my life last winter, including getting put on happy pills, starting at a new company that is wonderful to their employees and where I have made a great many new friends, moving, and meeting the Stranger. All that good karma i tried to build up definitely paid off tenfold.
however, the stranger wants us to move again, closer to town if nothing else. i've been looking again at townhouses and things, and this town is just so overpriced it makes me sick. it almost makes me want to go ahead and just move to lexington, where we could have twice as much space for what we are paying now. but since we wont know and wont decide what we're doing til april, i guess for now we will just have to hope the weather chills out. famous last words.
i had a bit of a freakout moment when thinking about the wedding that i told the Stranger that i wanted to go ahead and just go to the courthouse and get it over with. my family (not counting my aunt and laura, actually) have been no help at all and don't even bring up the event unless i do first, which usually leads to me screaming and having an anxiety attack. it's definitely going to be in 2012 now, which i realize gives me a whole year extra to plan this, but i am just one of those people that needs things to be happening now. now nownow. i dont even enjoy talking about the plans at all anymore. its gone from something fun to a battle.
in brighter news, we may go to the Derby again this year, and actually get real seats. i'll have to start looking for a large large hat.
(this is the point where i am REALLY struggling to come up with something to talk about....)
we went to muriales last night, which is in fact my favorite mob-run italian restaurant on the planet earth. (damn, that is a sweet earth you might say. ROUND!) we had gotten gift certificates and you better believe we used them up. i came home with the most amazing tiramisu. i would die happy if i could just swim laps in that tiramisu. i'm only slightly joking. and it is just so much food that we came home with more than enough for dinner tonight too, which is always a bonus.
at any rate. i've run out of semi-entertaining things to talk about, so i suppose i will let you go. i hope you have a lovely week ahead. and i hope it DOESNT SNOW.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Most of the roads around town and outlying areas (including mine) are officially closed. There are a stupid number of wrecks. My dumb dumb brother has been sitting on the interstate this side of Weston trying to get home for the better part of three hours. Z can't get home til they open our road, and who knows when that will happen.
Me? I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.

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Most of the roads around town and outlying areas (including mine) are officially closed. There are a stupid number of wrecks. My dumb dumb brother has been sitting on the interstate this side of Weston trying to get home for the better part of three hours. Z can't get home til they open our road, and who knows when that will happen.
Me? I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.
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So we are sitting here, waiting for this apparent massive snow storm to hit, and it's barely raining at best. But any excuse to work from home, I will take.
So Bethany came up this weekend and it was great. Have I written about this? I can't remember. I think I'm losing my mind. I had to count on my fingers how old I was this morning. Oh yes. I went there. But it really was great to get to see and actually talk real things with B. I had stuff I needed to talk about and I felt like she would be a good soundboard. And as always she was. So thanks for that B.
The Stranger is sick, which means I'm keeping a three foot distance btwn us as I refuse to get sick again. He acts like he is dying, as all males seem to do when they are the least bit ill. As for me I and eating vitamin c like it's candy and drinking my body weight in water.
In a more different topic, the honey mayo at blackbear burrito makes my whole life better. I've finally created the perfect wrap and I want one right now even though I had one just last night. Yum.
Ps Tudors finally came to Motown and it's like Christmas.
I also can't remember if I've written about this, but I found a new app that makes pictures look amazing. You can find my photo sets on Instagram by searching barelyaware. But here is an example:

Yea. That is a photo of a movie on my television. Fav movie ever.
At any rate. I've had a lot on my mind as of late, so apologies for not being a better blogger. There just isn't really anything exciting going on. I've hit that winter blah where I go home in the evening and go straight to the couch and nap and just have zero desire to do anything. I really really need for spring to come so I can get out of my head.
Meh. Lovelove
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So Bethany came up this weekend and it was great. Have I written about this? I can't remember. I think I'm losing my mind. I had to count on my fingers how old I was this morning. Oh yes. I went there. But it really was great to get to see and actually talk real things with B. I had stuff I needed to talk about and I felt like she would be a good soundboard. And as always she was. So thanks for that B.
The Stranger is sick, which means I'm keeping a three foot distance btwn us as I refuse to get sick again. He acts like he is dying, as all males seem to do when they are the least bit ill. As for me I and eating vitamin c like it's candy and drinking my body weight in water.
In a more different topic, the honey mayo at blackbear burrito makes my whole life better. I've finally created the perfect wrap and I want one right now even though I had one just last night. Yum.
Ps Tudors finally came to Motown and it's like Christmas.
I also can't remember if I've written about this, but I found a new app that makes pictures look amazing. You can find my photo sets on Instagram by searching barelyaware. But here is an example:
Yea. That is a photo of a movie on my television. Fav movie ever.
At any rate. I've had a lot on my mind as of late, so apologies for not being a better blogger. There just isn't really anything exciting going on. I've hit that winter blah where I go home in the evening and go straight to the couch and nap and just have zero desire to do anything. I really really need for spring to come so I can get out of my head.
Meh. Lovelove
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
A favor to ask all my readers. Please send good thoughts to baby Richie, my friend kellie's sister's baby. He was born a month early and now has to be transported up here bc he has an abnormal EKG. Things are hard on the family anyway bc richie (the dad) has stage four pancreatic cancer, so every moment they have together ad a family is very precious to them. So please keep them in your thoughts. This is a happy and sad time for the whole family.
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, January 21, 2011
2 things i'd like to do before i die: sea baby sea turtles hatch and help them make it to the ocean without getting eaten. see the northern lights from a boat.
random memory that i remembered the other day: when i was little i'd drag my feet a lot and would always wear the toes out of my shoes. my grandad would take me up to his little office room and put boot polish on my boots to try and make them not so bad. this smell is something i will always associate with him and childhood. the secret is sometimes i'd purposefully scrape up my toes so that we'd have to polish them just to have those few moments.
strawberries are the perfect stuck at home on a snow day food.
watching the movie Julie&Julia makes me want to eat something rich cooked in two gallons of butter.
i found a new amazing app for my phone that does different filters on pictures i've already taken. i've flooded facebook with my stupid 'works of art.' i think my favorite is the gummy heart on my kindle that is on a certain page from The Prince of Tides (which is amazing btw. you must must must read it)
i'm planning laura's bridal shower and i'm so so excited for it. it's goin to be a spa theme and i'm going to make all the table gifts and prizes. Bath salts, sugar scrubs, bath bombs, felted soaps, aromatherapy heat packs, beeswax lip balms, etc etc etc. I love being able to do this for her. crafting makes me so happy.
i want to make brownies. too bad i dont have eggs. or butter. or, you know, brownie mix.
random memory that i remembered the other day: when i was little i'd drag my feet a lot and would always wear the toes out of my shoes. my grandad would take me up to his little office room and put boot polish on my boots to try and make them not so bad. this smell is something i will always associate with him and childhood. the secret is sometimes i'd purposefully scrape up my toes so that we'd have to polish them just to have those few moments.
strawberries are the perfect stuck at home on a snow day food.
watching the movie Julie&Julia makes me want to eat something rich cooked in two gallons of butter.
i found a new amazing app for my phone that does different filters on pictures i've already taken. i've flooded facebook with my stupid 'works of art.' i think my favorite is the gummy heart on my kindle that is on a certain page from The Prince of Tides (which is amazing btw. you must must must read it)
i'm planning laura's bridal shower and i'm so so excited for it. it's goin to be a spa theme and i'm going to make all the table gifts and prizes. Bath salts, sugar scrubs, bath bombs, felted soaps, aromatherapy heat packs, beeswax lip balms, etc etc etc. I love being able to do this for her. crafting makes me so happy.
i want to make brownies. too bad i dont have eggs. or butter. or, you know, brownie mix.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
on one hand, i really want it to come this snow storm bc they already told us to plan to work from home tomorrow and that means pjs all day. on the other hand, i dont want it to storm bc bethany is coming up for the weekend and i haven't seen her in a billion years which is entirely unacceptable and we are going to relive our grad school years (mostly drinking and eating a lot of wings.)
i have a headache.
my dog is being emo.
my spaghetti wont hurry up and cook.
i have a headache.
my dog is being emo.
my spaghetti wont hurry up and cook.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
why i love my job, part eight million
i know it is gushing, but i am so so so thankful for my opportunity to work for the company i do. they are some of the most amazing, fun people i've ever met. and they let the employees know we are appreciated for what we do. we had our post-holiday party last night and, as last year, it was a blast. since it was again a casino night theme, we all decked out in our sparkly best.
oh yes. complete with black SPARKLY tights. and can we just take a minute to be girly and squeal over how amazing these shoes are? bc they are amazing.

oh and also i learned to play craps and may or may not have played for four solid hours. (which has further proven to the Stranger that I have a gambling problem.) but the odds! they are so good! of course, that may be the free booze talking, but honestly, it was awesome. and to top it off the post-party at the bar was also paid for by the higher ups. and then we had drunk breakfast at 3am and crawled back to our complimentary hotel room with the king size bed. le sigh. i miss the Strangers king size bed and how i could swim in it.
today i've managed to do nothing, which is also my plan for tomorrow. (thank you paid govt holiday. you benefit my laziness quotient.
i have nothing important at all to say in this post other than it's been a great weekend. i hope it continues through the week.
i hope everyone else had an equally amazing weekend!
oh and also i learned to play craps and may or may not have played for four solid hours. (which has further proven to the Stranger that I have a gambling problem.) but the odds! they are so good! of course, that may be the free booze talking, but honestly, it was awesome. and to top it off the post-party at the bar was also paid for by the higher ups. and then we had drunk breakfast at 3am and crawled back to our complimentary hotel room with the king size bed. le sigh. i miss the Strangers king size bed and how i could swim in it.
today i've managed to do nothing, which is also my plan for tomorrow. (thank you paid govt holiday. you benefit my laziness quotient.
i have nothing important at all to say in this post other than it's been a great weekend. i hope it continues through the week.
i hope everyone else had an equally amazing weekend!
Friday, January 14, 2011
today's Badass of the Week is Dick Winters. If you've watched Band of Brothers, you know how awesome he is.
once upon a time there was a story about a person. and that story is just screwed up and has no ending.
once upon a time there was a story about a person. and that story is just screwed up and has no ending.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Dear snow. You are pretty and all, but if I can't drive into work tomorrow, I'm gonna need stronger drugs. I need human interaction, even if it is just messing with the interns.
The most exciting thing I did today? Taking a shower so I could put on a more different pair of sweatpants.
Also work. I did a stupid amount of work.
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The most exciting thing I did today? Taking a shower so I could put on a more different pair of sweatpants.
Also work. I did a stupid amount of work.
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Sunday, January 9, 2011
So we have been watching the show Dexter lately and i can't help but feel bad for the guy. So many people are screwed up in this world. And so many of These people try so hard to be happy and make everyone else happy and just dance the dance.
I still want that hug machine.
I'm in a better place now. One without lies and hurt and sadness. I have to keep reminding myself of that.
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Saturday, January 8, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
workin on the goals
so i went through and updated my 101 goals list. i still have quite a few to go, but I think i'm making good progress. i've read a couple of the banned books and thanks to netflix the foreign films is closer to complete.
and i'm keeping up with my daily photos. granted, it's only five days.
also, Dexter is an awesome show and I cant believe we didnt watch it before now.
also i have no attention span.
and i'm keeping up with my daily photos. granted, it's only five days.
also, Dexter is an awesome show and I cant believe we didnt watch it before now.
also i have no attention span.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
so shainna talked me into a new project. seemingly, it should be easy. but i'm fairly sure i tried this last year too with no results. BUT. now i have a handy dandy website on my phone with a reminder. surely i can keep up with it, right?
anyway. it's taking a photo every day for a year. and here is my webpage of photos. granted, there are only two at the moment. but. its a start, yes?
i'm relishing in my last day off before going back to work. that means i'm being lazy, eating unhealthy food, and watching crap tv. over my vacation i've read ten books. well, one was a graphic novel (pride and prejudice and zombies!) but i still think that counts. i've slept a ridiculous amount, ate a better half of a wheel of brie, and caught up on episodes of Top Gear. i call this vacation a total success.
our new year started well. we played kinect with friends and then went to brew pub for the countdown. i'm glad we didnt end up going to the hockey game bc it rained the entire time. drinking things that taste like chocolate is a much better idea.
i hope everyone's new year has started off nicely. as for me, i think i'm going to take a lovely nap.
anyway. it's taking a photo every day for a year. and here is my webpage of photos. granted, there are only two at the moment. but. its a start, yes?
i'm relishing in my last day off before going back to work. that means i'm being lazy, eating unhealthy food, and watching crap tv. over my vacation i've read ten books. well, one was a graphic novel (pride and prejudice and zombies!) but i still think that counts. i've slept a ridiculous amount, ate a better half of a wheel of brie, and caught up on episodes of Top Gear. i call this vacation a total success.
our new year started well. we played kinect with friends and then went to brew pub for the countdown. i'm glad we didnt end up going to the hockey game bc it rained the entire time. drinking things that taste like chocolate is a much better idea.
i hope everyone's new year has started off nicely. as for me, i think i'm going to take a lovely nap.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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