tell me what it means.
dont forget about my question asky thingy. i've been getting a lot more hits lately, answering as truthfully as i can stomach right now.
i gave everyone at work a chanchito today and they all liked them. i always feel better when i can do something nice like that. everyone seemed to have a good day, so maybe they really did bring good luck.
i saw a car catch fire this evening in the complex and the vfd came and put it out. it was more trailerhood like than anything i ever saw actually in the trailerhood. of course i was standing there gawking at it (like everyone else) in my sweatpants and tanktop, looking trashy as hell. gotta give a good impression to the neighbors, ya know.
and then i got all into that fire that i nearly set my own kitchen on fire baking more chanchitos. woops. thats probably the most my stove will ever be used.
so my bedding came in today, and its exciting. i thought the mailman did a very good job of making the package inconspicuous:

laura said my dream last night (yes, i am going back to that, it's seriously driving me crazy) was sorta like the plot of The Fountain. i've never seen this movie, so i read up on it and i see the similarities. i almost want to go watch it just to see if maybe i can figure something out. i'm crazy. i know. it makes no sense.
i just need to know.
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