Friday, April 23, 2010

side effects include

so i've decided that even though i have a headache behind my eyes that makes me want to boot, that today has no choice but be a good day. the end. publish the book.

as i had my morning bagel with extra cream cheese, i decided maybe i should read up on the side effects of this new medication. the last one had stuff like cotton mouth, headaches, sexual disfunction, etc. so i'm reading along and i see none of those things for this new medicine. in fact it helps people lose weight, helps with adult ADD, and a handful of other issues that i'm sure ten minutes on webMD would convince me i have.


side effect does include: seizures.

what? oh yes. that is the main side effect. oh, and an increased risk of suicide. isn't this drug supposed to help me NOT want to do that? now granted these things are rare even if they are the most common side effects. BUT STILL. an even rarer but exciting side effect is mania. so if you see me doing something you reeeally think even i wouldnt do, you should probably restrain me.

i know this is my overactive mind going nuts here. people are on these medications all the time and are fine, if not helped tremendously. and i hope i'm one of them. i definitely feel jittery today, like i could go run a marathon. maybe i should take up running.

so my weekend plans are blown to hell bc of goings on of this week. so i've decided to instead go drinking with the guys from work. this is never a good idea. but i need to relax and just enjoy myself. i can feel bad for it later.

Everybody Dance Now is playing on my ipod as we speak. i feel this is a sign that i need to get out of this funk and have a good day.

i hope you all have a good day too.

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