moving. i seriously don't want to do this too many more times in my life. it is the most stressful thing i've done lately. i only had a few slight meltdowns, but i'll get to that later.
so. thursday i came over and unpacked the eighty bajillion boxes that the 4 of us had brought over. this was nice since i (thought) i got to organize all of my books. it turns out the Stranger forgot 2 boxes in his car, which totally messed up my whole system, but we wont tell him that. So my two bookshelves are completely full and i still have two and a half boxes just sitting in the storage closet. i feel like i should buy another bookshelf, but that will have to happen acouple paychecks down the road. Friday LJ came up so he and the Stranger and i brought a bunch more crap over and i got it all organized. i was getting more and more antsy about the parental units coming up until miracle of miracles, dad got sick and couldnt come. now i feel bad saying that, bc i do love the shit out of my father, but in instances like this, especially with the whole trailer bs thrown in, it wouldnt have been pretty. at all. so small mercies, i will take them.
so saturday, it was the big moving day. LJ and i started loading up as much crap in our cars as we could when..... LJ broke the porch. not even kidding. the shoddy supports that run the length of the porch had snapped and things were... springy. at best. so when mom and kyle got here, the day was halted so the boys could make a trip to lowes and fix the porch so we could actually get the stuff -out of- the trailer.
so we finally got the big stuff moved and set up. i had to wait around here btwn 4-7 for comcast (he came at 6:45) while they all worked at the other place, but i didn't lounge, i unpacked as much as i could. there is still a load of stuff there that i can get tomorrow, but other than that, everything pretty much is here. unpacked, not hardly. but at least the big stuff is here.
and i managed to keep my shit mostly together as mom judged the way i set up the kitchen, where i wanted the furniture, how i make my bed, how i'm OCD about how my clothes are in the closet, etc. She kept attempting to joke with the stranger (after making fun of his accent. at least i do it behind his back.) (kidding. i totally make fun of him to his face.) that 'you have to put up with this' and 'this is just how she is' and 'it makes sense to her and no one else' etc. had this happened, say, mid-January, i would have shot fire from my eyes and then ended up in a ball sobbing in the closet. but thanks to serious medication, i just rolled my eyes, gritted my teeth, and worked harder to get shit done.
of course now, as i always do, i second guess my decision here. i think ultimately it was what i needed to do. i needed a new, healthier environment from which to not necessarily start over, but maybe more like.. keep going in the right direction. i know i couldnt handle another winter in that trailer. i know the fact that i was working from home there all winter is why i ultimately lost my shit and got help. so i do think that was a good thing. but i dont want to do it again. i feel like i'm going in a good, or at least different, direction with a job i love, and a stranger who i like an awful lot (i gave him a key even. gulp.) and amazing people in my life who i am thankful for every day for putting up with everything that is me. so i'm really hoping this was another good decision. yeah it means i have a long drive to and from work every day. but it also means i have a little more space. yeah it means i dont have a washer and dryer. but it also means i have a dishwasher. yeah it isnt as cheap. but it has high ceilings, light color walls, and huge windows with lots of natural sunlight streaming in. there are pros and there are cons. i jsut hope the pros are worth it in the end. i think i can best sum it up like i always do. copping out and putting beatles song lyrics.
There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
so thats the story of moving. its not an entertaining one and i apologize for that. i just havent had any good entertaining stories lately. hopefully that will change.
also, in case you are interested, Family Matters comes on nick at nite at 4am.
i wont post pics til i get everything in order, but here's a sneak peak:

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