After the recent computer problems I've been having, and the increased mocking of my dearly beloved laptop, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and get a new one.
If I were a normal person, I would jump at the chance to get a new, pretty computer. But no. I'm the type of person who has an anxiety attack because I don't like change and what if I don't like a new spiffy faster better computer with all it's keys intact! I like my broken ass near-death giving me the middle finger have to beat the hell out of it to get the number zero computer.
I guess it means something when even my mother says it's time to give this one a proper burial (and by burial she really means she wants it to play solitaire on because that's about to the point we are at and her laptop is stone age) so I took the plunge and ordered one. In approx two weeks I will have a new toy. Picture it sitting in the middle of the floor and me circling it, not knowing whether it is good or evil. But it was cheap (half the price of what I paid when I bought this one, and with better parts even) and computer-savvy types approved. My only complaint is that it is plain white. After having a coy pond on my laptop for 3 years now, a plain one seems like a let down. But I'm told there is a website that you can make your own skins (pardon, my nerdiness is showing) so maybe i'll do that. It also came with Vista. Vista and I have had altercations in the past. But I'm willing to give it a second chance. And if it doesn't work for me, then I'll just put good ol' XP back. (Yes, I am giving myself a peptalk here)
So something not computer related. I had a great day off today. I slept till embarrassingly late, had lunch at Black Bear, and spent the afternoon at the engineering building visiting all the people i worked with last year. it was good to see them, all my fun old ladies. We made plans to get margaritas soon, haha. but yes. I miss them muchly.
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