So, happy valentines day I suppose. It's been a pretty ok day I must say. I dyed my hair reddishy purply something. I don't really know what crayola would define the color as, but I love it most muchly:
I've spent much time this weekend with the Youngs and it made me very happy because I just don't get to see them as much as I would like. Last night they, plus Andreas and I went to the Wow Factory and had a blast painting pottery. I painted a vase and I'm super excited to pick it up next week. The colors shown here are not as dark as it will turn out, I'm told:

What else.... Sweeney Todd was excellent. I don't get to see theatre productions as much as I would like, and this one was very interestingly done.
Oh, I found some photos of my craft project from awhile back. These ar photos of before it was completely done. I decided I owed Joel bigtime for being basically a horrible person to him for about the last seven years or so, and since he's being shipped off to parts unknown I thought I would make him a blanket. Yes, I crocheted an entire blanket. When it was finished it was taller than me to the point that i could raise my arms all the way up and it barely touched the ground. And not to brag, but those are damn tiny stitches. I am very proud (and more glad) that it is finished. So here's the Lancaster Blanket:
And because I hadn't bombarded you with Calypso in awhile, here she is, in full Rasta form. She says don't worry about a thing. Cause every little thing is gonna be alright.
So that's the photos I've owed you people for awhile. Plus a semi decent update to boot. I'm spoiling you. But it's Valentines Day and I love love love you. I read somewhere that you should say every day to those you care about "I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thanks." So that's my message to you all, wherever you are. I do love you, I'm sorry for many things I've done to you, Please forgive me for any pain I've brought to you, Thanks for understanding I'm not perfect.
And a kick in the shins for good measure.
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