I made peace with Frankentop (or Lappenstein, I haven't figured out which to call it yet) by ordering a 'skin' for the front. It's my favorite work "There is Always Hope" by my favorite artist, Banksy. Yes. I consider Banksy my favorite artist, back off.

Little Madison is having her second birthday soon and I wanted to get her something awesome. It's crazy that she's already almost two because I feel like I was just taking her mom to the hospital at 3 in the morning to get fluids and almost passing out when they had to shove the needle in her arm (I'm a damn good friend to hold your hand and simultaneously not puke my guts up) So I had myself another flashback and tried to remember what I loved best when I was little. And I remembered. My "My Little Pony" tent. Did you have a tent, dear reader? I spent all my time in mine. I'd take it outside, or set it up in my living room or over my bed. I would only take my naps in my Pony tent. So I got on amazon, and holy cow, tents have gotten much cooler. So I got Maddie this tent!

It has the frog prince! it has flags! I want one of my own! It really makes me want to go build my own little tent out of blankets over my bed and get out my flashlight and read. Yes, I am that loser.
I suppose I should also update from my Valentines pity party since I came home to a surprise wrapped up in shiny silver paper and ribbons waiting for me on my porch. A friend with a very similiar sounding name made my day a little brighter. And I'm not gonna tell you what was inside!
I realized tomorrow makes six months that I've been at my job. Which means 1) holy Shatner I've been there for six months and 2) i've kept a plant alive for more than five months which means I can mark that off the list of Goals. Sadly, I think I'm more excited and proud of the second.
I need a fruit or veggie to eat for this month. I guess this was not one of my brighter goals. This is not a good season for things I haven't tried. Ideas??
I got my taxes back and did a tiny dance. And then I felt way lame because the tiny dance was because with my refund I can pay off one of my credit cards. Doesn't that make me old and boring?
I was going to take a photo of my sell-out business card and put it on here for you to see, but then I realized I'd have to blur out the company name and all my contact information. So all you would see is a tan card that says "Andrea Ware" and right below that says "Analyst" Meh. I want to make my own that says Andrea Barely Aware. and i want a stick figure kicking another stick figure in the shins. and then on the back it will say "likes to be the little spoon" or some other such nonsense. And it would smell like brownies. Yes. That is a quality business card.
I've also decided to sell my dog to the highest bidder. I might even pay YOU.
I'm going to go do yoga. I need to find balance again. Strange how one nightmare can ruin all the good work you've done.
1 comment:
I had a refrigerator box that I cut out a door and window on. I liked to sit in it with my life size teddy bear. He was my boyfriend. lol
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