Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Cause Blinded, I am Blindsided
First. Bon Iver's album For Emma, Forever Ago. an indie sorta band that broke up and then the lead singer wrote most of the best album (under the band's name) in a cabin in the middle of wisconsin where he sequestered himself away for three months. i have a theory, that the more with yourself you are, the more the art speaks. maybe that's the cough medicine talking, but i understand this. just wikipedia it if this didnt make any sense. the moral of the story is that i love this music. Blindsided is probably my new favorite song. the lyrics make no sense and make perfect sense. just listen to it, ok?
Then there is The Darjeeling Limited. I wanted to see this when it first came out but all I heard were terrible reviews. But, it was on HBO this evening and I had nothing else to do so i figured why not. I think this may now join my top ten films. It is funny and sad and wonderful, in the same way that I love Everything is Illuminated. it too makes no sense and makes perfect sense. I think the quotes that sum it (and me, perhaps) are these:
Rita: What's wrong with you?
Jack: Let me think about that. I'll tell you the next time I see you.
I feel like maybe for once I'm on the verge of figuring out something big. Not necessarily good, not necessarily bad, but important. I don't think the planets will align but maybe for once all my knitting stitchs will.
Another Year-End Review
2008: The Year
Theme of this year: I think it would best be described in the words of Chopper. I needed to Harden the Fuck Up. (youtube that. it's slightly comical) but in all honesty, I really did. I would let things happen to me and then try to blame anyone but myself. I didn't take a lot of responsibility, and it came back and bit me in the ass tenfold. So we're learining to harden the fuck up now.
Best Month of the Year: I think this was in yesterday's post. But this month. This month has been very good for me because I've gotten to visit with (in real life or at least on the phone, internet, paper, whatever) people who are important to me, I got to do good things for the community and those in it, I became more comfortable in my job and what I do, and I just feel good about the way things in the world are going for me.
Best Day of the Year: The first day we got to the beach. It was so nice to take that trip with the people who went. It was nice to break away from the internet and from the drama I'd built up in my life back here. It was nice to know I was going back to my first real job and that I had somewhere to be in life. And it was nice to watch the sunset over the ocean and watch shooting stars knowing there was no where else I would rather have been at that exact moment in time.
Worst Day/Time of the Year: Feb and June were pretty messed up for personal reasons.
Favorite Person of the Year: i can't narrow this down to one person. honestly. and it's not to not hurt anyone's feelings.
Favorite Moment of the Year: sitting on the trolley after shainna's wedding with all of us in our finery getting drunk with her parents on the way to what proved to be a very fun reception.
Favorite CD of the Year: I don't know that i've listened to a whole album this year. mostly when i get new music it's because dave sends it to me to listen. I guess the genre of the year, then, would be BritPop
Favorite Movie: You know, I didn't really go see a lot of movies this year. I think my favorite new ones would be Iron Man and Wall-E. But the one I watched most was Dr. Zhivago. although I went thru a span of nearly 6 months without watching it because I gave my copy away. But mom bought me a new copy for christmas.
Live Show of the Year: i said before I hadn't been to many, but TransSiberian Orchestra was amazing and I still recommend you go to it when it rolls back around next holiday season.
Best Thing I Bought: red paint. painting my living room, in retrospect, was the best thing i could have ever done. at the time i thought it was stupid of me, but that change was the kickstart i needed.
Favorite Trip: The beach. Even though it was short, we packed everything and nothing into it. and getting to watch the Olympic coverage each night just added to it.
Book of the Year: The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell. It's historical fiction if you stretch your imagination. It's the first of three parts to a different version of the King Arthur tale. It lead me to start hording every Cornwell book I can get my hands on. in fact I should be receiving 4 more in the mail this week thanks to amazon and christmas money. So if you are into that kind of reading, I have many I would let you borrow.
Monday, December 29, 2008
2008, Adios.
So reflecting on the past year (and then filling out the cheesy survey thing I stole from Shainna, see below) I realize I spent a better part of it with my head up my ass. Or namely, another ass. And those of you who had to put up with that, numerous apologies from all fronts. I can say officially, on behalf of myself and definitely Shainna (who had to hear about it all of 2008 and part of 2007 too), we've finally successfully for the last time gotten rid of that bad habit, no self help medicated patch required, no significant alcohol dependency acquired, and only a mild yet permanent echo of rage and bitterness. but i have a feeling in time that too will deplete. Yes, I do realize every time I say "this is finally it" it somehow creeps back into my life, but I honestly seriously no doubt in my mind think this really is it. Because this time I feel like I can breathe. And folks, the air is great.
I think I spent a better part of the year with a one-track mind of graduating and getting that good job. I didn't think about the "what next" part and it's staring me in the face with it's evil eyebrows raised. and I still don't know what it is that is coming up next, but i have a feeling it will hit me over the head with a shovel sooner or later. dad wants me to buy a house here in town. to that i say EEEEK and then promptly change the subject. even I, after nearly 7 years in this town can't commit to something like that. that is too final and i still feel like a flight risk. i want to be a flight risk.
so for 2009, i'm going to work on my goals, work on my anger, work on looking for that perfect job wherever it may be. i want to do more charity work in 2009, and spend more time with my crazy family. hell, maybe i'll finally get to meet my brother's girlfriend.
and now for the magical questionaire
1) Where did you begin 2008?
snowed in in magical lexington, kentucky
2) What was your status on Valentine's Day?
Drunk and angry
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Finishing up the biggest academic waste of 2 years
4) How did you earn your money?
I called engineers names behind their back. and granted their travel requests. but mostly called them names.
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Just that speeding ticket I got for being the DD on St. Pats. Because that is logic, folks.
7) Where did you go on vacation?
topsail, cedar point, trips to visit shainna and jenny and laura
8) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
not that I can think of, though my credit card would probably say otherwise
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
shainna, kellie's sister...why do i feel like i'm missing someone
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
12) Did you move anywhere?
no. i am still stuck in this town.
13 Got lost?
If I'm driving, you can guarentee that at some point, we will be lost. Or as I like to call it, on a side adventure
14) What concerts/shows did you go to?
Trans-siberian Orchestra. some at the CAC that I don't remember
15) Were you registered to vote?
yes, after a ridiculous process
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
McSteamy. (I'm KIDDING) like i watch that show.
17) Where do you live now?
up on a hill that has shitty roads in winter
18) Describe your birthday?
there was Tom Selleck cake involved.
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2008?
rode roller coasters, got a 'real' job, learned a lot about trust
20) What has been your favorite moment?
sunday's at shainna's being bums
21) What's something you learned about yourself?
I can't let one person ruin the rest of my life
22) Any new additions to your family?
the one and only evil dog, Calypso
23.) What was your worst month?
I had a lot of anger in Feb and June.
24.) What music will you remember 2008 by?
no idea. that damn katy pery song was the first to come to mind.
25) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
shainna and bethany
26) Made new friends?
yes indeedie
27) New best friend?
i think overall it's the same folks.
28) Favorite Night out?
not sure. there were several fun ones.
29) What sporting events did you attend?
WVU soccer and football
30) What was your best month?
I would say this one has been pretty alright
31) Overall, how would you rate this year?
i would give it a 6.5. it was better than average, but there are a couple factors that really weighed it down.
32) Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
shainna's apartment
33) Change your hairstyle?
only monthly
34) Have any car accidents?
got rear-ended infront of Shainna's apt
35) How old did you turn this year?
36) Did you get sick this year?
I was sick often in the spring. but i realize that i was stressing out so much about stupid things that i was making myself sick. I'm all better now. :)
37) Been snowboarding?
No, but I am supposed to go learn in a few weeks!
38) Are you happy to see 2008 go?
Yes and no. I have a fear of time passing, but I really want to see what this next year brings.
39) Been naughty or nice?
Both. and i've tried to make up for one or the other constantly.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
No. 79 and Other Adventures
i think i'm letting my nerdiness show when i say that some of my most exciting gifts were a subscription to National Geographic and a spice rack. yay for world views and non-bland food! and shainna got me started on my Goal #79- that of learning to knit and making something awesome. she taught me how to do it, and i can, but very badly so far. so after i finish my current project, i'm going to start knitting intently. and it will be good.
i also got some awesome art pieces that i will take photos of so you can see. laura is an amazing artist in anything she does. i can't think of anyone else who could take a photo of the beer distributor and it turn out so cool. haha.
my evil dog has been spoiled rotten and has already decapitated santa claus. she also, with teh assistance of my mother spilt juice all over my laptop, and now my keys are hard to push. those being the few keys i still have. one day, i'm going to invest in a new laptop.
the wvu game nearly gave me a heart attack. but i'm glad, for pat white's sake at least, that we won.
and to top off a great couple of days, on the drive home tonight, i saw a shooting star. and i made my wish for the new year on it.
i've been thinking about what my New Year's Resolution would be. i think it is going to be to work on my anger. i let things boil for far to long and then i explode in a fire of bitchiness and complaining. and i know you get tired of hearing it bc i get tired of listening to myself. so i'm going to work on that. being more constructive with my feelings and not griping at everyone. i think that's a logical thing to work on. and to help myself along i'm going to work on the goal of coming up with one positive thing about myself for every day of the month. and it's in no way tooting my own horn, and i hope that you dont think that it is. but i think maybe if i can determine on paper (figuratively speaking) things that i actually like about myself, maybe i can figure out who i really am.
but in the mean time, i was glad to get to see everyone, even (especially) my out of town friends and family. it's never long enough. so i guess now it is back to the grind. i'm not ready to go back, i want to stay here in my pjs and knit and watch old black and white movies.. but we cant always get what we want, i suppose.
i hope you all had a great holiday and i will be rambling in your general direction soon i am sure.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
And it Feels Like Home
so now, as max cried, let the wild rumpus start. i am off to spend the day at my grandmothers helping her cook (i know, a scary thought there) and then having dinner and gift exchange with the family and then off to church. I cant decide if i really love the traditions we have created or if i am ready for some new ones. i love my family, i really do. we get along 87% of the time.
also, the goal of spending time with my brother and drinking while watching A Christmas Story is well underway, michael informed me he had got the rum. and i talked to his girlfriend. which isn't exactly meeting her, but we're working on it.
Merry Christmas everyone, if I don't post tomorrow. but i probably will, bc we all know somehow i'll get myself in some ridiculous situation, haha.
love to you!
Monday, December 22, 2008
I Have a Terrible Confession to Make...
(hides head in shame)
I especially enjoy the song Love Lockdown. I think I like it bc it's not typical Kanye. granted I do enjoy some of his earlier stuff, but this album is very different. techno-y if you will. this is one of the few songs on the radio (as i take a moment to flip my brother the bird for stealing my cd player and mysteriously making my ipod not work anymore) that I start dancing to in the car. you know that dance. that dance you start doing and then you see a person staring at you from the next car over with a look of complete horror like they just saw a tiny trainwreck happen within the confines of a subaru outback. oh yes, folks. that trainwreck is me. but i think on the old blog we had previously discussed my need for adaquate "driving music." well kanye, congratulations. george bush may not care about you, but i sure dig your tunes.
Christmas Blues
sometimes i want to be able to crawl under the christmas tree like i did when i was little, pretending all the lights were stars.
enough of sounding in the dumps. i get to go see shainna and family and kellie and chris too. it's nice to get everyone together if only for a few hours.
i also (with the help of dave ryan, whom you all should check out on the opinion page of the DA) finished my grandmother's christmas present. i'm trusting you not to tell her! hopefully it will get here intime, i had to rush order it and it is 'supposed' to be here on christmas eve. i'm trying not to get my hopes up. but, to go along with the christmas ornament i had made (re: the post of my grandparents getting married) i had dave help me put together one of those photo calendars on vistaprint (which is very reasonably priced, i must say). i've had my mom and aunt email me whatever photos they could get their hands on, so there are photos from my my grandparents as children all the way up to... i think the latest photo would be from my most recent birthday. it's very neat to see the old black and white next to the more recent. it makes me realize how much my cousins look like their parents and how much michael looks like dad. i dont know who i look like. who do i look like, readers who know my parents? i guess its hard to figure out for yourself. but i liked the calendar so much i ordered one for myself. i can put it in my cubicle at work. so with that, i am officially finished with my christmas shopping. and i'm even already packed for home. i think i'm just ready to get out of here, if only for a few days.
oh and i forgot to say my most recent antiquing treasure. i found and old copy of marlowe and shakespeare plays. it was in excellent condition and was only five dollars. this is where you can call me a nerd, a yuppie, a square, etc. i know i am if i can feel that kind of glee over a book.
hugs and kisses to all you readers. be safe if you're traveling. enjoy your family. help those who are unable to help themselves.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Personally, I think I have too much bloom. Maybe that's the trouble with me.
1. one of my coworkers gave me a christmas card. now, you're probably thinking, so what? and i agree that in most cases i would agree, especially in the office setting. but this was from one of the guys i work with, and it really made me feel like i had finally become a part of this working group. like i actually 'fit in' the office, like i'd pulled my weight. does that even make sense? but the thing that made me most emotional is here he (again, dont want to use names since it's work related) got us all christmas cards when his poor dog is not doing so well. Sunshine (the dog) has been his whole life for the past 11 years and Sunshine hurt her leg severly this past monday and it's making it near impossible for her to move around and eat and do her business, so she's becoming very despondant and well, it just doesnt look too good for sunshine. so he's been spending time trying to get sunshine better and well, it just really made me feel good that he took the time to fill out christmas cards for us all. maybe that sounds really dumb to you, but i think you pet owners would understand. so send good thoughts to my co-worker and Sunshine.
2.we have the nicest couple on earth working as the cleaning service at the office. they know every person in the whole building by name and stuff about them and are always so nice when they come in, it is a good way to end my day, having a nice conversation with them. well they dont get paid shit. and they work their ass off. so our building, which is i think 3 different small companies all took up a collection for them. and in 2 days we raised over 700 dollars. and they came around this evening and thanked every single one of us. and it was just a good feeling that i could be a part of something for two people who deserve wonderful things.
3.Meet Me in St.Louis. This may not seem like a traditional christmas movie to most of you, but i would put it u their in my top 5 (christmas story, obviously, muppet christmas carol, national lampoons christmas vacation, and the claymation version of rudolph... bc i love hermey the wanna be dentist). Judy Garland singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" is probably my favorite Christmas song. Followed by Zooey Deschanel singing "Baby it's Cold Outside." but, back to the movie. you all probably know by now my love for black and white film. and this is one of those magical ones. if you get past the fact that judy garland was strung out on every drug known to man and not even at that point by her own choice, then you have a magical film of a completely different time in our world and culture. sometimes, i wish we lead a life that we could still feel something as magical as excitement for the worlds fair and a christmas ball. i want to go to a christmas ball. but that makes no sense probably. but i love that movie and i can't find it on tv (imdb says its not playing until 1am on christmas day) and i cant find it at any of the stores which is really weird.
on a non-christmas note, i'm going antiquing tomorrow, which i love in my own nerdy way. i just love seeing things that meant something to someone else.
also, my dog is staring at herself in my mirror and has been for probably the last half hour. i made a noise and she looked at me like i was ruining her concentration. i have strange animals.
And bc it isn't a post without an old photo, here's this one of yours truly, showing that i didn't always look like an angry old man.

Thursday, December 18, 2008
I Have This Theory...
next up! another installment of "embarrassing family photos." this one was emailed to me by my aunt. Now. If you take the time to wade through everything that screams OMG 1980s! then you will see, right in the middle of the photo, a small angry red baby. You guessed it. Yours truely tried her damndest to ruin her aunt and uncle's wedding. I was that terrible baby that you wanted to shake even though you know the tiny little head could just pop off. (Did I really just say that? It's ok, I'm talking about myself.) I think I'm going to enlarge this and frame it. I'm pretty sure I'm the posterchild for birth control.

I had Christmas with Lish and Tonya tonight. All I have to say is I'm going to lay in bed in my flannel sheets with my personal water cooler and read with toasty warm socks. Maybe I'll put koolaid in the cooler. OOOOOOH YEAAAAH.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Famous, in a Vague, Anonymous way
I'm famous in my own mind.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
baby, its icy outside
i had all these ideas for things i was going to do this evening. but screw that. i'm sitting in my pajamas watching trash tv.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Landed in a Very Common Crisis
so since i had a day to do nothing i read The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I feel like i've talked about this book before, but if not, i think everyone should read it. i can relate to the main character (although i seem like i can relate to characters in any book I read) in the sense that they are the quinessential wallflower. you take awhile to warm up to everyone bc it takes great trust on your part to do so, but all the while, friends or not, you absorb things about people and keep it on file for later. that you can relate to those book characters better than actual human interactions sometimes. so go read it right now. you can borrow my copy if you want. it's a short read.
and i think i'll end my post with the last part of the book. bc its how my brain works too. and believe when i say i don't mean it to sound morbid or anything, but that i guess you'd have to read the whole thing to understand..
So, if this does end up being my last letter, please believe that thigns are good with me, and even when they're not, they will be soon enough. And I will believ ethe same about you.
Love always,
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Ideal

Mom finally found the photo I've been looking for for this project for Mammaw for Christmas. I hope it can be finished in time to give to her for Christmas. And I'm posting it on here 1) Because I love the photo, and 2) I don't want to somehow lose it again and have to rely on mom to find it again bc that will take forever. So here are my grandparents (on dad's side) when they got married.
So in other news I upped my sushi eating ability today. I had spider rolls. Which sounds gross. But it was a delicious concoction of softshell crab, shrimp, other things, and wasabi. i think wasabi is my new ranch dressing. i think anything can at least be passable if it has wasabi. And then we watched Blade Runner and can now scratch that off my movies list. woo. I should be packing but I am feeling lazy. I am sure I will have much to (very vaguely) report about the work party (don't want to get dooced here) (looked 'dooced' up on the urban dictionary, lol)
so that's all for tonight, folks. hearts and stars and gingerbread scented moonbeams from me to you.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
She Was an American Girl

and because Mom just sent me this photo and it cracks me up. Here's a pic of Dad, Christmas 1963. That's a badass hat he's wearing. Maybe I should start utilizing hats more. And I am inspired by how the pattern of his shirt goes so well with the christmas tree..
Blast from the Past
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I Wasn't Really Drunk
1. Put your music library on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got the memo from.
Dazed and Confused- Led Zeppelin
When I Come Around- Green Day
It’s Who You Know- Sublime (Acoustic version)
James Bond Theme- Kraftwerk
The World You Love- Jimmy Eat World
Sleep All Day- Jason Mraz
Half My Height- Sunday Runners
Caught By the River-Doves
9) WHAT IS 2+2?
Good Morning Coffee- Greg Brown
Effington- Ben Folds
5/4- Gorillaz
I’m a Believer- the Monkeys
Paint the Silence- South
One- Johnny Cash
Bring Back the Sun- Our Lady Peace
Like Irregular Chickens- Kid Koala
Spanish Lesson No.10 presented by Michel Thomas (this really is a Spanish lesson, haha)
She’s Got the Look- Guttermouth
Resistansen- Kaizers Orchestra
Little Room- Norah Jones
I Wasn’t Really Drunk- Eef Barzelay
Wiki is now off limits.
Now. If you look at any photo of me, you will see that one of my eyes (I cant remember which and I don't have a mirror..it feels like my right, lol) is always more closed and droopy. I jokingly say its a squirrelly eye. This has no reference to squirrels and total reference to being strange. Steff told me once about how everyone has one side of their face that has more lax nerves than the other and some people (me) you can tell more. and i bought that. UNTIL NOW. Reading along I see common symptoms come from things such as a brain tumor (in schwarzenegger voice, "It's not a toomah!"). or it could be caused from facial trama to the nerves. Now. (and this is reaching far, far enough to the point that I hope you don't honestly think i really believe I have this, but more for it creates a good story, eh?) When I was 3 years old and cross-eyed, I got my first pair of glasses. They were magical in the most coke-bottle of senses. I was so disoriented with having even more misaligned depth perception that I immediately fell down. Up a hill. Yes, you read that correctly, I fell up a hill. I broke my glasses and stabbed that metal hinge piece into my head. I still have a scar at the corner of my eye if you dont believe me. So, in theory, I could have damaged some nerves in falling up the hill, thus giving myself squirrelly eye.
Or not. Maybe I just need to stay away from the internet for the rest of my life.
UPDATE: I realized this theory is impossible as the right eye is droopy and the left eye has the scar. Damn. And I thought I was onto something.
Standing on my Soapbox
I don't know if you read Newsweek, but their cover story was about using the Bible as a tool to show that gay marriage is right and good. Frankly I think this is dandy because if gives me more fodder I can cite when I get into religious debates with my uncle (hello, next family reunion). At any rate, response to this article has blown up to epic proportions. Here's a link that discusses the backlash and some of the things that have sprout up because of it, on both sides. Sifting through those I came upon this paper (sorry for all the links, but this paper is very interesting) that breaksdown the translations of the ancient text and how it has been changed and what the original text stood for. And I find this fascinating, and not just because this has been one of my personal arguements that I frankly had no footing for because I can't read greek or aramaic, or what have you. And I think maybe this coincides more from where I'm coming from.
Yes, I have very strong religious beliefs, but I also know that there has been so many translations of the text over the centuries, that you have to look at the...i want to say.. overall theme of goodness and equality and not the words verbatim. Bc those words aren't necessarily the correct meaning. Caesar incorporated local religions into it. Henry VIII created his own version so he could divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn (something he would use again in later wives). The King James Version was scribed by the Puritans who found problems in previous translations. I don't even know how many versions there have been, bc wiki does not have this information for me. For fear of being struck by lightning, I won't say it's been watered down, but do you get my point here? Have you had a foreign language class and had to write a paper? You probably wrote on a very elementary level, doing your best to find words that are at least close to what youre trying to say. And sometimes, you're way off.
And now I'm way off my point, aren't I. Maybe I don't have a point. Maybe I just needed to justify myself and my thoughts. I promise blogs will return to stories about the dog and holiday cheer.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Update on the Goals
I tried snow peas. I generally hate anything associated with peas. Peas and I do not get along. We are not friends, and I would not vote for peas in a vegetable election. That said, I usually pick out the snowpeas when I have stirfry. Well I didn't this time. Now I can see some of you saying that by having the stirfry it takes away from the natural taste of a snowpea, counteracting the whole point of this experiment. To which I flash you the middle finger. I'm trying here people. If it takes stirfry or ranch dressing to make it happen, then so be it. So they weren't so bad and I won't continue to pick them out of my food. Thats a good step, right? More vegetables in my diet? (you better agree or you wont be getting a christmas present from me.)
So I bought my angel tree gifts for this year. I went ahead and decided to get 2 kids, a boy and a girl. Mom also got two, so we went to Summersville on Saturday (you know, when it was snowing which means its a blizzard in S-ville and even mom's Envoy was skidding all over the place, giving me a mild heart attack. no worries.) and picked out the things. And let me state, that little boys clothes are much more fun than little girls. Everythign little girl was pink and lacy and ribbons and puke. Little boys had dinosaurs and rockets and trees and stars. I think yes to rocketships.
And since I hadn't been to wal-mart yet this season when in years past I'm there frequently I put a significant amount of money in the salvation army bucket. and then had to go activate my new credit card so I could make it till payday, haha.
in happy news, my lonely little neighbor kid is not so lonely anymore. a new family moved in down the way and they have 3 kids that look to be around his age. the other day I drove by and they were all scrambling around with sheets of cardboard and it made no sense to me. I watched them in the rearview and saw that another car was coming up the road, and they got into battle formation... the neighbor kid (I just dont feel right about putting his name on here for the interwebz to see, sorry guys) hunkered down and put his square over his head while the other three put theirs around him. so it looked like an inconspicuous box. of sorts. not really, but it was hilarious. so when the car drove by, the kid jumped out of the 'box' in a mad attempt to scare the driver. i'm sure in other scenarios this would have been a terrible idea, but considering most ppl drive at a crawl around here, and bc clearly there was a child hiding in some cardboard, nothing happened other than me laughing till i cried. I've been debating whether or not I'm going to get him that Christmas gift card or not, bc I realized how creepy that could be to his parents. They don't know me at all. And I dont want to be like, this is for your kid bc he stops by and talks to me all the time and I feel bad bc he didn't used to have friends. I dunno guys, what do you think I should do? I did think that instead of getting him a gift card, I could send the money I was going to use to the Neediest Cases fund that the Charleston Daily Mail has started. Give me an opinion, readers.
So I'm heading to Pburgh for work today. I'm excited bc I don't have to drive. I think I just get to meet people, which will be nice bc that will be a few less strange faces at the Christmas party this weekend. I'm really starting to dread it, which is stupid. I just hate non-comfort zone social situations. I'm socially stupid. Blugh.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas in the Creek, or: Why My Twang is Back
Now. I understand that all 6 of my uncles and both of my aunts and my mom were married at the latest by 24, and the ones who had children had their first by at least 25. But. That's not me! I chose school instead! Alot of people do otherwise! Not that I wouldn't like to do that, but. I think mom could tell i was borderline ready to spaz out because of it and she kept trying to distract them by talking about what a good job I have and that they gave me a raise and all, and that just made me feel worse really. I shouldn't have to win those peoples approval. I know that. but hell. you want your family to be proud of you. and bc i havent plopped a clown car's worth of kids out the ol hoo-ha, i feel like it's not enough to them. oh well.
so for better stories. on mom's side instead of getting each person a gift we do the swap thing. now you can guarentee on three things in that swap: knives, handmade quilts, tacky christmas decorations. everyone fights over the quilt and pretends they really love that dollar store santa claus and hard candy set. when michael and i were little we would openly cheat to get the best numbers. i got in the middle this time. i ended up with a book on how to make quilts. i gave it to mom. dad came home with knives (they're 2008 christmas edition, andrea. these are good knives) and mom came home with a handmade christmas tree thing that holds hershey kisses. i ate enough peanut butter pie to beach a whale. i better get wii fit for christmas.
also, it snowed at home. a good 3-4 inches of the slick shit. even in mom's envoy we were sliding. my subarizzle is a ninja and had no problems, but still. I left early to get back up here before it got tooo bad, and there's NOTHING here. well thats a lie, there's a little bit. but nothing to write home about. I was all prepared to drive defensively, and ended up having the most boring drive, which i suppose I should be thankful for, but still.
so what else. this is an uneventful week coming up. Saturday is the smarmy work Christmas party at Nemacolin that I don't really know how to feel about. Working with people is one thing but partying with them is another. I'm taking Foster for support. And for someone to drag me around if I drink too much. I'm told there is much drinking. On the company dollar.
Also I bought my gifts for the white trash party (which you're all invited to, Jan 10) and I must say, you people are in for a treat. Mom did much eye rolling, so I know the gift selection is perfect.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Because My Mom Told Me To
So the madre suckered me into going down to watching the Christmas parade in Sutton. The Cousins are in the band, you see, and you HAVE TO SUPPORT THE BAND, ANDREA. So we get down there, half an hour early bc mom can't tell time, and freeze waiting for the parade. We waited 45 minutes for a 16 minute event. A 16 minute event that i laughed till I cried at times. Which wasn't smart really bc it is damn cold out there.
So. For those of you who aren't braxtoniters, the Sutton parade consists of this:
1. The band. it has gotten significantly smaller in past years and have nearly been depleted of a woodwind section. It's kinda hard to pick out the holiday jingle when all you hear is the low brass part. But the BOM BOM BOM let us know they were infact playing Jingle Bells.
2. The color guard. The colorguard consists of 5-10 men over the age of 800 attempting to walk in step. It is probably the cutest thing ever bc they all look old and angry. They are never in step.
3. Death. (no shit!) they had the Tobacco-free Kids group this year. It was lead by Death. Well, it was the best Sutton could do for Death.. it was someone in camo, a black cape thing, and a Scream mask. This would be one of those laughing till crying points where mom is smacking me telling me I'm being rude (as she tries not to laugh herself.)
4. about 80 bajillion Queens and Princesses. Seriously, they name a princess for every event in this county. Half of them were born in the past 6 month. the other half were dressed like Popsicle sluts. heh. It is manditory that they all be in convertibles or the back of a big-ass truck.
5. The classic cars and the one car who always accidentally gets in the line up. There were only 5 this year, and I wouldnt know what kind of car they were for you to be impressed by.
6. Every available cop, ambulance, firetruck, ems in their own vehicle, etc. in the county. (servia, woop woop!)
7. and last but not least. Santa. Only Santa doesn't ride a sleigh in Sutton, oh no. Santa is in the back of a cop car. With handcuffs on. Tossing kids candy. What kind of message are they sending to these kids!
Seriously, that parade made my whole day. It almost (almost but not quite) really made me miss home. Sutton almost looked pretty with all the snow coming down. If you looked past the blown up meth-lab and all. Maybe someone should go put a big bow on it....
At any rate, I'm going to go make ornaments with mom. It's what we do. And then watch the last football game that frankly, I'm not feeling so good about..
Have a good day!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What the hell does 10-4 really even stand for?
But I digress.
My third, and most magical instinct was that it would be equally, if not more so in some cases, funny to embroider instant messages from people. I can picture it, a tree covered with the foulest, most bizarre bits of conversation. I can think of a number of things Shainna has said that would be right up there. And instead of a star atop the tree, I would have the little AOL man, running along in Christmas wonder. Part of me reeeeeally wants to do this. The other part is lazy and would rather watch reruns of Scrubs. And then there's the part of me who knows I would go out and waste a boatload of money at the craft store on this, make 1 single ornament, and get bored with it. Another part of me really at this moment would like some cheese. Hrmph.
I also saw on CakeWrecks a cookie cutter that looks like a fetus/alien and immediately thought those would be great gingerbread ornaments on my condom christmas tree.
Hell. i have a one-way ticket in the front row.
So this post doesn't come off as me being a complete heathen, this program is something those of you who can knit/crochet might look into. You make hats for babies. So simple! On the knifty knitter you can crank one of those out in an hour. So this is added to my ever growing list of causes. Help for soldiers and babies and the cure for cancer. Thats all I ask for.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Cheeses and Raises and Whiskers on Kittens
First, I got a great nights sleep. Some of you who know my sleeping habits know this is a major accomplishment. I fell asleep without having to watch Fear and Loathing and a season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
When I got to work, I was told it was time for my (half a month late) 3 month review. Good news! They like me! They think I do good work and they gave me a raise! Hooray selling out for the Man's dollar! So that really helps out with the Christmas spending I've been doing while praying my credit card doesn't start laughing at me.
Next. I got to see Julia and baby Jonathan today. This was the first time I've gotten to see the baby and he's HUGE. So cute and happy.
Next. I tried a new cheese. I think. When I was at the grocery yesterday I found those little circles of cheese that you can buy. They are Babybel cheeses, see. Now, this is a brand name, but on the packaging, I could not find a type of cheese. So I wiki-ed it. And it seems to be an Edam cheese which is something else I've never heard of either. I may have eaten it, but I've never heard of it. So in my book, that counts as one of my 3 goal cheeses. So hooray for cheese.
I picked up my christmas cards on my way home from work and have started filling them out. I'm going to have to go to the post office to get stamps for you ppl and I hope you appreciate it. Although I must say, I like visiting with Lew at the post office, he's the only nice person I've ever met thats worked there.
H'ok. I'm off to watch House. Love from me to you!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas is Going to the Dogs

With the help of Christopher E. Bailes, I successfully rearranged my furniture and put up the tree. I thought I'd try it in a new location this year. It's a little short. But I think it adds to the merriment, dont you think? It has a little bit of a Charlie Brown/Who-ville feel to it. And I most definitely approve. And the Superman sheet/treeskirt just adds that little bit of magic, dont you think?
And of course, bc it wouldn't be a photo opportunity without it..... presenting....

Fra-gee-lay. That must be Italian.
I stabbed my brother at Thanksgiving dinner.
It was just with a fork, but he had it coming. He kept making that awful sound where you screech your silverware across the plate. I told him to stop three times. I calmly ate my piece of turkey off the fork, stabbed him with it in the arm, wiped it off, and continued with my mashed potatoes.
I see nothing wrong with this type of behavior.
If the Moon Was Made of Spare Ribs, Would Ya Eat It?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Awake from my Tryptophan Coma
I hope your holiday was most excellent. I am full. Having 3 thanksgiving dinners makes me feel like a lardass. But it is so completely worth it. It was good spending time with my crazy family and I successfully completed two more goals. My new/previously disliked vegetable of the month was cauliflower. I still feel indifferent in regards to cauliflower. I want it to taste more like broccoli. I want it to taste more like anything. It seems like a wasted slot on the food chain, only to be saved by the good graces of ranch dressing.
I also successfully kept my mouth shut as mom piled more and more lights on the tree. as i was leaving today I'm pretty sure she was putting the ones that are hooked up to the music thing that plays 3 or so different Christmas songs. You know, it was cool back in '93 or so. I even pointed out one section that looked 'a little bare' (by a little bare I mean not blinding your eyes out) AND pointed out that one of the bulbs wasn't working. Does that get me bonus points?
I successfully completed 98% of my shopping all thanks to the wonders of amazon in one magical click. It was a good feeling. I just don't have it in me to go fight the crowds anymore. I think after working at Michaels and completely having the love of the holiday season ground out of my soul with a piece of sparkly mistletoe I just didn't want to participate in that anymore. Please, if you do anything between now and new years, be extra friendly to any cashier you come in contact with, even if you're having a pisser of a day. Make eye contact and smile. It's something not often seen and it makes you feel pretty worthless.
I (stole) borrowed stamps from mom and have sent off ten christmas cards to soldiers so far. and she's supposed to pick up one of those angel tree names for me and I'm going to get that taken care of too. the crankier I get to more things I try to do. However, things are definitely looking up lately and I'm really enjoying it.
This is becoming too wholesome of a post. All readers are invited to the 2nd Annual White Trash Christmas. It won't be till Jan, but hey. It works. For those who aren't aware of how this works, everyone must wear the ugliest christmas sweater they can find, bring the cheapest food/alcohol they can (pigs in a blanket were a big hit last year) and buy a couple gifts for exchange. These gifts must be less than 3 dollars in price and purchased from the dollar store or a gas station. the wrapping material must be something found and not bought. I cant wait. (note to self, steal christmas sweater from mom)
So, thats about it for today folks.. Tomorrow after work i'm going to start putting up my Christmas tree with the acceptable amount of pre-placed lights. Hope you all have a good day!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This has no relevance to anything
so when i was little, i only had one Ken doll to go with all my barbies. at some point Michael ripped his leg off and i tried to duct tape it back on for awhile but then that just didnt work out. So then he became War Hero Ken. No, I am not making this up. I decided that he lost his leg in battle and Barbie loved him twice as much for being so brave. (does my warped childhood thinking make any more since to the way I am now?) So I'd strip barbie and ken down and put them in the Dream House and then leave and go play with something else for awhile, bc i knew that they 1)had to be naked but 2) had to be alone. i had no idea what happened when they were naked and alone, but I knew that's what had to be done. Especially since he only had one leg.
I think my younger self needed serious therapy.
Lennon vs. Jesus vs. Lord Dumpling vs. a Turducken (No really, I"m going someplace with this)
That said.
There are some interesting stories today. Bypass all those ones about how shitty the economy is and how we're all going to freeze to death this winter. Here are some I found interesting.
The Vatican has forgiven John Lennon for saying the Beatles were more famous than Jesus. I mean really? It took 42 years for this to happen? I was not aware it was such a big deal. granted i wasn't alive in the 60s, but seriously? hold a grudge much? I guess the article that was written in the Vatican paper said that the music and the beatles "have shown an extraordinary resistance to the passage of time.." That sounds akin to a concession to me. I'm not blasphemizing here, but I think that someone should do a study on this, to see really, if at that time, the Beatles were more famous. you would have to include things like photo (or portrait i suppose) recognition, merchandise, loyalty to attending 'events.' this could be really interesting. or maybe i'm really super lame in thinking that.
Next. The inventor of the Segway has his own energy independent island and is using it as a model to show other people that hey, we dont have to keep destroying our world. Now, reading the quotes from this guy in the article makes me wonder if he's a little batshit crazy, he has some great ideas for sustainability. So maybe he calls himself Lord Dumpling. He's running 3 square miles of land on solar and wind power. It's a really neat thing.
Next. We've been told here at the place of employment that we can 'work from home' on friday. that means i'm heading South tomorrow after work. We still won't be having actual thanksgiving on thursday, but this gives me two days to watch the two most important things: the Macy's parade and the WVU/Pitt game, both being a major part of my life since I was very little. Every year I ask mom if we can have turducken, and every year i get The Look. you know The Look. perhaps I'll do my work for friday on thursday and go black friday shopping. every year i say i wont, and every year i do anyway. it's evil and being on the retail worker end, you just want to murderize those people who show up at 4am with their stack of coupons. I know Jenny loves that damn christmas song about hippos, but because of my time spent at the craft store, if i hear that song, my eye twitches and part of my soul dies. It dies! Do you want that?
Today's Beatles song to describe how I feel, "With a Little Help From My Friends."
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thoughts meander like a restless wind
so. that said. Top 5 favorite Beatles songs. Across the Universe. Black Bird. All You Need is Love. Lady Madonna. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. Here Comes the Sun. ok, that's six. I could keep going. Maybe I can't make a top five.
So. Because also love youtube, for you I present a small collection of other people's versions of the Beatles.
Rufus Wainwright, Sean Lennon, and Moby. Singing Across the Universe. Holy cow this gives me cold chills. In a good way.
Same song, but a huge assortment of people including Slash, Bono, Allison Kraus, and Stevie Wonder. This is awesome. More chills than the last one.
OMG this is the cutest little kid ever singing Hey Jude and you will watch this right now and buy him a pony.
Travis singing Lovely Rita
Michael Jackson singing Come Together. It seems so dirty to think about it now.
Bobby McFerrin singing Blackbird. He's probably the only person I can allow making this sound like a happy song. Bc he dont worry, he's happy.
Youtube says this is Jack Johnson singing Imagine. It sounds like it, yes.
Alvin and the Chipmunks sing Get Back. Surprisingly, those chipmunks have several Beatles covers.
Jimi Hendrix, the first guitar hero, singin Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. it's a little scratchy. Still awesome.
STP singing Revolution.
Dave Grohl singing Blackbird. He has such a great voice for this song.
Dave Matthews singing In My Life. This song should probably also go in my extended top five. My top five is really like a top 200.
Noel Gallagher singing All You Need is Love. I find it ironically wonderful. I also think the electric guitar in this song is one of the best riffs of all time and I will fight you if you say otherwise.
Bon Jovi says Here Comes the Sun.
I've never heard this band, Reflex, but they do a good cover of Lady Madonna
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes and a fun rendition of All My Loving
Ben Harper doing Strawberry Fields Forever. another awesome song.
Jim Carrey can sing? I did not know this. But I am the Walrus is the greatest song for him and his eighty bajillion voices. and this is funny to watch.
Big Country does a really awesome version of Eleanor Rigby. for a long time i said if i spawned a child I'd name it eleanor rigby..
The Fray singing Fixing a Hole. A lesser known but still amazing song.
Maroon 5 doing If I Fell.
Garbage doing Dont Let Me Down. I surprisingly really liked this.
Back Forty is a jam band who does a cool cover of Rocky Racoon
Elvis, circa the friend peanut butter and banana and uppers sandwiches era, singing Yesterday.
Some dude playing Blackbird on a Ukulele. AWESOME.
The Tijuana Brass does With a Little Help from My Friends!! holy moly
Have to include Eric Clapton doing While My Guitar Gently Weeps. thats a given.
This cracked me up. It's Sean Connery doing In My Life, a spoken word version.
Gotta support the John Denver up here. He did a medley. Mother Nature's Son, Blackbird, and When I'm Sixty-four. There is bizarre interpretive dancing and gymnastics involved. I am confused.
Fats Domino doing Lady Madonna. and yes, i did mean to word it that way. ba-dum-ching!
I secretly love Franz Ferdinand. Here's a cover of It Won't Be Long.
**sidenote, Willie Nelson is at the moment Stephen Colbert's christmas special and it cracks me up. interestingly i can not find any record of him ever singing a Beatles song***
I love Regina Spektor and I love Real Love.
I'd never heard of Marmalade, but the lead singer wears a nice hat. I think they must have been cool during the era of music that was so bad our parents started working on creating us. i'd do it to Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da
ok. i've probably gone too far. I could continue. but you can look more artists up here if you want.
I feel much better about life after doing this. I hope you at least watched a video or two and had a good feeling. If I can't make sense of my life, I like to hope I can help you in some small way make sense of yours.
That Girl is Poison
So I put up some of my outside lights this afternoon. It looks pretty pathetic if I say so myself, haha. i thought about putting some lights up around the roof, but I think the chance of injuring myself in doing so would be great. So at least I put up some decoration.... two strings of lights, to ropes of garland, two red bows. I took a photo of it and I'll take another when it gets darker to show you crazy kids.
I am finally watching Across the Universe, and I must say that I really like it. And not just because I've been a Beatles fan from birth. I recommend it profusely. I did always love the name Jude.
So yesterday's fake-thanksgiving was the best to date. and not just because it was the first one. i'm fairly certain that i ate my weight in stuffing. And it was good.
I've started filling out my holiday cards to the soldiers. I don't know what to write in them that doesnt sound generic. Thanks for what you do? I don't believe in it personally, but I hope you dont get your ass blown up because of it? And hey, have a happy holidays, I hope you get a shower? Maybe that won't be the best message to write. I'll write something cheery, something hopeful. I do hope for them, wherever they are, whoever gets these cards. I got the funny ones, so hopefully, they'll get a laugh out of it too.
Something's going to happen this christmas. Something good. I haven't felt happy about Christmas like I do this year, for a very very long time.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Good Karma for the Holidays
P. O. BOX 5456
there are some details to know, like the deadline to send them is Dec 10, that you should sign your name but not add any contact info, etc. here is a link that has all the details. Please do this. If not for me, then for a stranger who would like to get some mail from home. I'm thinking maybe I'll go ahead and do the goal on my list of supporting a woman soldier now over the holidays. I feel like it's probably a good time. hopefully this time I won't overdraft my bank account or leave my wallet at the post office like last time. I just want to make a moment in someone elses life better and maybe if i do that, mine will be too.
i bought outdoor christmas lights tonight (which btw the Salvation Army people are already out, so this weekend I need to gather up my change for them) and I am excited. I actually am excited about this christmas. this should shock you bc I am well known for my grinch-like qualities. but there are lights and garland and big red bows and perhaps even a decoration for the lawn gnome. This is of course in addition to the interrior decorations of my hot pink lights and my hot neon decorated big tree and my little pink holographic plastic tree that may or may not be graced with condoms for the second year in a row. (oh yes, i decorated a tree in condoms. it's the gift that keeps on giving, folks. I'm just looking out for you...). There will be photos when this monstrosity comes together. I promise.
i want to watch all the christmas cartoons from when we were little. Especially the Peanuts one. I hear the first few chords of "Christmastime is Here" and I am immediately five years old, back in our old house, in red pajamas with the feet (you know you had them too), trying to get mom to let me eat several days worth of chocolates from that countdown-the-days-till-christmas- calendar, laying underneath the christmas tree and looking up into the lights. why isnt it the same when I try to lay under there now...
i've also had a brilliant idea. a few years ago i bought by brother a chess set that is made of shot glasses. perhaps i have figured out an incentive to learn to play, whichever number goal that is. and that can be when i hang out with him. double bonus!
also, people in this town lack the ability to drive in the snow. they need to spend a winter in b.county and then they could drive anywhere.
my dog just did that flying karate kick and i was in the way of her destination. thats gonna leave a mark. on my face.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Germans Wore Grey. You Wore Blue.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
the crap i read, and kinder surprise
Etsy- handmade items of wonder!
ModCloth- fun, vintage items
Dooce- one hilarious blog from the gret stet of Utah
Dear Old Love- people write in their thoughts on ex's
Cake Wrecks- bc messing up cake is hilarious
Post Secret- a glimpse into the secrets of others
Passive Aggressive Notes- bc you want to tell them off... politely
Things My Boyfriend Says- bc guys say stupid shit.
A Softer World- i wouldn't necessarily call it a comic, you'll just have to check it out
Married to the Sea- this is a comic and it's hilarious
XKCD- another comic, but different
Astronomy Pic of the Day- awesome photos and graphics from NASA
BBC News- the only news source I trust
Weird News- speaks for itself
and then of course there's facebook and this and all that nonsense. but I think I gave you enough fodder to last awhile.
next topic. Kinder Surprise. I stumbled upon this phenomena on the interwebz (long story) and I am transfixed. Its a toy, inside a plastic egg, inside a chocolate egg. Brilliant! But wait, we don't get them in the US bc they were banned bc we're too stupid to not choke on them. Now, if you know me, once I'm told I can't have things, I reeeeally really want them. So now I want these chocolates. . I think they are sold in some specialty stores in the U.S. but the prices are raised since it's techincally illegal. They can be imported in, but the shipping cost is outrageous. So I talked to Ben and asked him to be a good boy and send me some from Australia for my Christmas present. He thought I was joking that we don't have them. No, Ben, I'm not. We are the only country in the world who does not have Kinder Surprise. but I guess when our leaders are prone to choke on pretzels, it's understandable that food products would be a sketchy area. So anyway. I'm hoping to get these awesome chocolate eggs for christmas from the land down under. perhaps not everyone that comes out of that country is a scummy, slimy, coward asshole. (whoa there, tangent much?) Anyway.. yay chocolates.
I was supposed to work in Pburgh tomorrow but am not now. This is good because now I dont have to get up at 6:15.
Go to the Olive Garden immediately and get the pumpkin pie cheesecake. It is so wonderful I nearly cried. Not really, but it is darn delicious.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
that said, it reminds me of a story I meant to type out for your comedic appreciation but i had a craptastic weekend. Anywho. So. At the Mountaineer Week arts and crafts fair I picked up an awesome piece of art. Well actually I'm getting it for christmas, but thats irrelevant. Anywho. I love this piece. Weird things I connect to, I guess. Mom thinks it's crap art, i could tell this from her eye rolling. You can find the artist's work here if you are bored and want to meander. I got talking to the artist about Morgantown blah blah, and mom had to inform him that I ''sold out to the government. Yeah, she went to the dark side." And I was offended! I didn't go to the dark side!
But then I stopped and thought about how I looked. Gap jeans and sweater, LLBean puffy vest, and pearl bracelet. Oh God. I'm a yuppie and I work for the government. Please tell me that there is a twelve step program for this, bc I think a part of me died right there. I tried to justify it to myself (yes, I took it this far) that the hole in my jeans was not stylishly put there when I bought them. I caught those jeans on a nail! A dirty, rusted nail! I am a rebel!!!!!!
or maybe I'm becoming a drone. I did have to take a refresher training course today on why I should not bring fireworks or chemical weaponry to work, and why I may be targeted as a potential recruit for espionage. WHAT. ESPIONAGE? I can't drive a stick-shift and they think I'd be a successful spy? (Not really sure how those actually fit together, but an image of James Bond flashed through my mind and I automatically assume that a turncoat is going to have to be able to drive a standard.)
In non-counter intelligence news, I'm rewatching Scrubs. This has no relevance to anything other than I'm gonna probably start quoting it obsessively again. So fair warning to you.
I just saw a commercial for off-road unicycling. holy wah, batman. that's awesome.
Also, if you haven't had a good laugh, get on youtube and watch Justin Timberlake from this past weekend's SNL. Both his Weekend Update skit, and his 'music video' with Beyonce. the second made me do my embarrassing laugh.
Also, from here on out, instead of saying 'my embarrassing laugh' I will just type "HAGH!" bc that is what mr. pickens phonetically figured out it sounded like. and it makes sense.
so, to recap, Justin Timberlake in a leotard doing a booty dance=HAGH!
how did i get from soymilk to JT? my mind is bizarre.
Things about Things. And Stuff. You Know.
I had a craptastic start to my day, but it's gotten better. I woke up at 5AM to my dog puking on my bed. This is NOT how anyone should start their morning. In the process of freaking out and stripping my bed, she did the same in the hallway. Have any of you seen me in pure rage tears? Bc that's where I was. I locked her in her kennel and found a spare blanket to wrap myself up in burrito-style in hopes of getting another hour and a half of puke-free sleep. this did not happen as the dog started making terrible noises from the kitchen. i tried to ignore it but couldnt. which is good i didnt, bc her evilness had unlatched the bottom latch and had gotten her head stuck in teh door, choking herself. in a moment of Hulk-like strength i ripped the door off bc I didn't know what else to do. and then the rage came back and i went back to bed, this time shutting my door in hopes that if she puked anymore, it would be in the kitchen.
she didnt. but she did decide to tear up the carpet outside my door. thru the carpet, thru the foam, all the way to the wood. When I woke up (after sleeping thru the alarm of course) my head exploded in confetti-filled fury. twice. I am selling her to the gypsies and thats all i have to say.
so i've been dragging ass all day, with no help from my Mountain Dew, snickers bar, and leftover pizza. and my hair is silently trying to turn into a mini-fro. which has nothing to do with my state of awakeness, but it is really bothering the hell out of me.
I know I'm really bad about letting one thing set off a chain reaction of badness, and I need to calm the fuck down. I need to study Dudeism, and when things get bad, in the words of walter sobchak, i need to tell myself "fuck it dude, let's go bowling." (apologies for the deuce f-bomb dropping, but seriously, seriously.)
so to counteract the negative, lets talk positive. I enjoy my weekly evening with Seese. Whether we go out somewhere or just sit at the house watching the dogs be idiots, it's nice to have a semi-routine of time that you earmark for friends. this is similar to shainna and i watching the same tv shows from our different locations, and having commentary at the jr high level of 'omg, wtf, srsly?,lolz'. tv is what we do. that and bitch. but i digress.
i also like that we're having fake thanksgiving on saturday. some ppl aren't having any other thanksgiving, and some who are are only going out of guilt, so it's good to just meet up with some ppl and chill out while stuffing yourself. with stuffing. oooooh stuffing. and cornish hens. of which i have not had since Senior Trip when we went to Dixie Stampede and ate them without silverware. I think I may attempt to convince everyone thta this again would be entertaining. I bet the settlers didn't waste their time with silverware. or maybe they did. i wasn't there.
i'm also going to see the new bond movie, and we are all embarrassingly aware of my loving devotion to daniel craig. i would give up chocolate to touch his abs. mhmm yes i would.
i was looking over my list at what new things I need to do. I'm going to the grocery tonight, so I can get soymilk and maybe one of the 3 cheeses and search for a fruit or veg I've not had/enjoyed. Spinnach is the first that comes to mind, its evil lurking near my good foods. I don't know if I am ready for that one yet, I still have flashback so being little and crying, being told that Poppeye likes it, I will too. LIES.
Also, I have not been able to find postcards. Shouldn't they sell those...everywhere? I mean I know this isnt the tourist mecca of the world or anything, but surely somewhere in Mtown sells postcards. Maybe I'll make my own. The tagline would read something like "beer or rain. the only two liquids we see around here."
lately i have really missed school. i miss sitting in a classroom with people my age learning. i try to make up for it by reading the news and trolling wikipedia a lot, but it's not enough. I'm actually thinking of auditing a class in the spring, just to have something to do. Work will only pay for those that are relevant to my job, and i've already taken all the ones i can justify. I am on a kick recently of reading early-european historical fiction, and it's perked my interest. So that may be the next tangent I latch to, and give up my study of WW Dos. we'll see.
there are 37 days till christmas. The salvation army workers will prob come out soon, so I need to gather up the pile of change on my dryer and give to them and not to the candy machine downstairs.
do you ever feel like it's the calm before the storm? bc thats what i'm feelin right now.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Recessionista: female who knows how to/enjoys being fashionable and can do so in this economic crisis we are facing.
Picarditude: the act of progressively becoming more bald (in the manner of Capt. Picard of the USS Enterprise.)
both of those words i read -in the same article- yesterday. And I did my obnoxious laugh because I thought they were wonderful. and terrible. mostly awful. but still.
i'm still miss crankypants, but it's not so bad this time.
Friday, November 14, 2008
one step forward, 3 miles back.
i know i'm vague when it comes to things like these. but i could really use some good thoughts aimed at my general direction.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
TSO is too much metal for one hand.
We had nose-bleed seats, but I honestly dont think it takes away from the show, you give up getting to see the band up close, but you get an all encompassing view of the laser show and pyrotechnics. i have never before seen a show with both fire and real snow. and it was twelve kinds of badass. the best way i can explain it in andrea-terms would be to take sebastian bach from skid row, joe perry from aerosmith, meatloaf, james earl jones (imagining that he can sing), eddie veddar, and the chick who i remember watching play Classical Gas on youtube, with about 10 other people putting on a melt-your-face-off rock show set to your favorite christmas classics. twelve points!
and my weekend with the whites, was, as always, a fun time. we got everything finished for the wedding exactly 12 hrs before it began, that being 2:30 in the morning. and the wedding was great and the reception was great. during shainna's wedding this past june, i decided that weddings arent so bad afterall, that it can be fun to celebrate the love of your friends. so i had a good time dancing and being a general party-goer with kellie and my future ex-husband. i once again, as always, ran away when the bouquet tossing time came, but i have promised kellie that when she gets married in june, i will at least stand there in the general area of other people who are going to try to catch it much more intensely than i will. thats a big step up though, right?
needless to say, now that i'm back in rainy, dreary, cold morgantown, i am sad and tired. at least my dog is back although she must have had a long week bc she's been asleep on my feet since we got back.
also, if anyone will be in morgantown on thanksgiving and would like to have a non-traditional dinner, you're invited. i'm not going home that day (long story) so i'm going to sleep in and then fulfill another of my goals of making something in the crock pot. i think i will make moms vegetable soup. it sounds really good. so yeah. if any of you will be here, you're more than welcome to join me and the dog.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Watching House is as bad as WebMD
I have a theory, that children of the medical profession are screwed up because they're parents can explain away anything they have all while teaching them to read with medical magazines. I mean honestly, my first 'real' book was a childs medical dictionary, complete with pictures of the dirty parts. You got Dr. Seuss? I got pictures of the digestive tract. Eff all of you with your Thing 1 and Thing 2.
That said. The moral of the story is I'll never know if anything is wrong with me because of my intense hatred of going to the doctor. I've gone enough this past year, and will completely cement my hatred shortly, that I'll just stay an undiagnosed freak baby for the rest of my life. Hypothetical tail and all. Maybe I'll add another goal of staying the hell away from WebMD.
Also, almond cookies are delicious.