i was told i dont write on here enough anymore, and i didnt realize my boring life was that entertaining. granted, the writing does get better when i'm depressed, but do we really really want to go back down that road?
at any rate. i have finished wrapping all my christmas presents. well, not all i suppose. there are still a couple floating about in the universe, but. i put in a very very good start, right?
so because of some silly rule we are not allowed to get a second puppy from the shelter. the rule is that you cant have a dog over 25 lbs. calypso and the min pin we wanted combined do not make that much. but, too bad for us. it really makes me mad bc there are several people around who have two, if not more, pets. but i'm not going to tell on them bc i know how i'd feel if calypso was taken away. so, another puppy will just have to wait for a little while longer.
so i'm 2.5ish weeks into working out. and i have to say, i actually am enjoying myself. it takes a few tries to convince myself not to turn the other direction toward home after work, but once i'm there, i usually spend an hour and a half. i'm sore. i'm out of shape. i sweat like a disgusting pig. but. i'm starting to feel better, and that was the goal. i'm never going to be a size zero, but i can get myself in a healthier state. so, i'm hoping it continues to go as well from here on out.
today started the childrens hospital telethon on the radio, which means i cannot wear mascara for the next few days, bc by the time i get out of the car at work/gym/home/wherever, i'm usually a sobbing mess. i came into the office early this morning, and every single person that came in after me said something along the lines of 'is andrea here yet? dont let her listen to the radio.' they all know how i am. i've already gotten them involved in the salvation army christmas stockings and the united way reading program. but i decided to go ahead and make my donation so i dont feel like an asshole and get it over with. but the stories are very sad and i'm glad i can help. i know too many wonderful little kids to ever not want to help other children and/or potentially those kids themselves. i'm a bleeding heart. i just want everyone to be given a chance i guess.
so i'm very excited to have found The Hogfather on netflix. it's based on a terry pratchett book (which i love love love), has christopher lee as the voice of death, AND is a christmas special. what's not to love? i'd recommend watching it, but it doesnt make as much sense unless you've read the book i think. i dont know, the Stranger liked it having not read.
i saw seagulls this evening in the parking lot of the gym. this confused me greatly.
our trip to SC over christmas may not be happening, which makes me very sad. but our reservations were "misplaced" and we may not be able to get an alternate. oh well. i suppose i should save up those vacation days for next year. i might still take a day or two off and just sit around here in my pajamas watching Golden Girls reruns.
at any rate. we are putting up the christmas tree this weekend. which means even less room around here. we need to move. it just needs to happen. meh
at any rate. i hope everyone is having a good week.
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