so i figured the only way to top going to the elk lodge last weekend was to go to the fire dept for an event. luckily they were having vera bradley bingo on sunday. 25 dollars later i hadn't won anything. but i did come home with a bingo dauber for the next time. and oh, there will be a next time my friends.
also, it snowed this weekend. i'm not ready for this. sure it's beautiful, but everyone i've talked to said i moved to the worst possible place when it comes to the winter weather. at least i sorta have my car back. and its all shiny and new looking on the back half. which just makes all the dings and scratches on the front look all the worse. one day, i'm going to get the subi fixed and not be business in the back, clusterfuck in the front. also, the week with the rental car made me realize i don't really like driving bigass suv's. sure its nice to tower over everyone, but they are a pain in the ass to park.
the cesspool that is my office has the plague. i'm taking vitamins and sanitizing my world like a crazy person. luckily i got to work from home today bc the Stranger had my car. i am so glad, once again, that i dont have to work from home anymore. its horribly boring and the dog sleeps all day. i've off again on thursday (thank you lovely gov't paid holiday) but the stranger also has the day off, so i think we're going to go adventuring.
so when do you think is too early to put up the christmas tree? the stranger tried to get me to put it up this weekend and i dont want to put it up til thanksgiving. maybe its bc i worked retail and know that they start decorating in august, but i cant handle overlapping holidays like that.
at the arts and crafts fair this past weekend (yes, i know, old lady hobbies. i'm going to get back to my knitting when i get off of here) and found the most awesome earrings made of antique russian porcelain. that covers three of my favorite loves. i also got wv produced honey which was delicious and i may or may not have eaten it all. the stranger got third place in the univ's photo contest at the fair, so we are most proud.
also, we are actually really going to the gym. and guess what, i actually.... enjoy myself. i know. its shocking. i have a whole circuit routine to do, and on the off days do cardio. i'm sore as hell but already i'm feeling better. if nothing else, i'm so exhausted in the evenings that i'm going to bed at a real hour. i'm hoping by christmas to see some real progress.
anywho. this was a boring post, but me and my old lady hobbies are just not that entertaining as of late. much lovelove to everyone out there!
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