no. but seriously. today was the perfect holiday off. i moved my sloth self from my couch to rachael and amanda's couch, where we watched not one, but 15 episodes of Say Yes to the Dress and ate gnocchi. trash tv and pasta made of potatoes pretty much sums up perfection to me. and shortly i'm getting taken out for ice cream which is the finishing touch on this day. i needed the lazy, no drama, laughter filled hours.
i dont know if any of you watch say yes to the dress, but from watching it, i'm convinced people are crazy. i understand that brides want to look great on their wedding day, but there is absolutely no reason to spend that much money on a dress. these people just blew me away. sure it's some well known store, but you can find just as beautiful, or in most cases more beautiful, dresses for so much less. and then when you factor in how much else theyre spending on a wedding... thats a down payment on a house!
i dont know. maybe i'm a simple girl at heart. but i know i can have my dream wedding for so much less than these crazy people are spending. example:
here is part of my potential dress:

this dress is effing beautiful if i say so myself and costs less than 200 dollars and is hand made with vintage lace.
call me a cheap ass, but i think that's pretty alright.
also, the state of maryland is out of the running for locations. we looked at a place and were underwhelmed. as much as it kills me (and believe me, it kills me) we may have to look at a place closer to b.county. but we have a year, right?
in other news work tomorrow is going to be awesome. the only work involved will be taste testing chili for a united way chili cookoff. can i just say, one more time, how much i love my job?
and i cant remember if i wrote about this or not (short term memory loss!) but i'm doing a 5k in a few weeks. i'm really excited about it and excited to be going with ranae.
hope everyone had a great day today!
in any event.
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