friday we had my postponed scavenger hunt. not as many people were able to attend, but i think those that did had fun. it's been so long since i've ran around downtown. i got to do things like get a photo of a cop smiling, forking a yard, finding 12 different fast food condiments, and my personal favorite, getting at least five strangers to do a yoga pose. i think we were very successful on that front:

yesterday was the perfect day to go out to coopers rock, so i did. and so did about eighty bajillion other people. there were 2 weddings and a family reunion out there. needless to say, i can easily mark that of the list of possible places for next year. plus the dont allow alcohol, and that alone would cause many problems. but. it was still pretty up there, what little i could see through the crowds of people.
p.s. the buffalo chicken wrap thing at black bear is ahmazeingggg. the end.
in other news i changed the top of my dress. i decided i didnt like how it was looking on me. i'm not going to show you any more pics though, bc i guess maybe even i want a little bit to be a surprise. so i have that to do tomorrow. woot.
i had the most realistic nightmare this morning that i still cant get out of my head. someone was trying to kill me bc i knew too much and they had me pinned down and were taunting me with a knife. i woke up right before they gutted me. and then i didnt sleep again until the sun came up. i think its bc we were watching all those commercials for paranormal activity 2. i will NOT be seeing that, thank you very much. the end.
this week i need to put together my mask for the masquerade ball and try to find one for the stranger. he's never been to parkersburg before, so i'm going to take him over to blennerhassett island and all the other neat little things around there. i need to get all my hipster cameras out and take with me. i'm sure there will be some neat things to photograph. and also, i'm excited to dance. to 'fancy dance' as the stranger jokingly calls it. i have a feeling he has two left feet. but it's about time someone swept me off mine.
i also need to put my halloweener costume together. i was going to go as ms pacman but i'm feeling lazy and that's too much work. instead i'm going to go as Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction) post-adrenaline shot. bc nothing says happy halloween like a near drug overdose. i'm trying to get the stranger to go as vincent vega (travolta's character). i think i have him sold on the bolo tie.
i'm feeling very meh today. probably bc i haven't left the house.
i hope everyone has a good week ahead. much love from the sloth.
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