Tuesday, August 24, 2010

making a statement i shouldnt have to make


it's been pointed out to me i have two comments referring to the name of the trivia team from the other night. while i appreciate other peoples' opinions, and wholeheartedly ask for them, i believe if you are going to make a statement, that you do so with a name. not as anonymous. yes, that team name is offensive to some. did we set out to be offensive? no. did i even have anything to do with the naming of the team? no. do i think people are overreacting in regard to this? absolutely. yes it is crass, yes it was a horrible event in history, but people, get over yourselves. we live in a world of self-depricating humor bc if we didnt we'd never come out alive. if you cant, then at least have the testicular fortitude to tell me yourself instead of hiding behind a screen of anonymity.

i apologize if i have offended people, but at the same time, i dont. i open myself up here to scrutiny every day, you see the good, bad, and psychotic. i'm bound to offend someone. if it helps, i hate most WASPS in our world (see? i can make fun of myself!) i am an equal opportunity sarcasm machine. no one in this world is 'better than that' because someone is always going to offend someone else. you cant hide away in a box all your life or else you'll have missed out on the best part of it.

i'm all riled up now. i shouldnt have to apologize to people who wont even tell me who they are. at least i -am- better than that.

in other news, i grabbed the wrong tupperware out of the fridge this morning and will be having a lovely lunch of cucumbers. (oh man, she's talking smack on cucumbers. where are all the vegans out there)

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