hello dear readers. i fell off the planet big time. in my defense, it really has been busy around here. and i was sick a quarter of forever. when i finally went to the doctor, i had a sinus, upper respiratory, and ear infection. they filled me up with an assortment of antibiotics, and here we are. i still cough like a smoker, but we're getting there.
so what else has happened. i went to my first Pirates baseball game which was awesome even though the pirates suck. we sat five rows back on the first baseline. thats a hell of a place to sit, let me tell you.
i went with friends to the pittsburgh zoo, which is always a good time. taking a 3 year old to the zoo always makes it a different experience. who knew her favorite exhibit would be the sharks? haha
what else. i cant remember far back enough as to whether i posted about z's birthday. i think i did. going to the top of mount washington was fun, and church brew was even more fun.
last sunday was the family reunion, which wasnt as painful as in past years. partly bc there werent as many people there and partly bc laura got the focus since she's getting married. believe me, that was just fine by me.
calypso and thor got in a fight and thor went mike tyson on her and bit off part of her ear. mom fixed it (and i'm not kidding) with super glue. she looks a little cockeyed but nothing phases her.
this weekend we have done absolutely nothing, which frankly was awesome. for as much as we've been on the road lately, it was good to just sleep on the couch bed and watch movies all day. we did go to the Mon county fair friday night, which was interesting in the fact that it was clean. maybe i really am just used to the one at home, but these rides were safe and the carnies were presentable (if not attractive some of them) and it didnt smell like mud and shit everywhere. i didnt know such things existed. i won the Stranger a blue bear at skee ball because i am a champion. and we watched part of the demolition derby which i have to tell you, was pretty interesting. i think i would like that, just running into other cars on purpose. it would take out a lot of rage i would think.
work wise things are the same as always. the internships are over but luckily we've hired on some of them. i'm glad to keep (a couple of them anyway) around.
the Stranger started grad school and things seem to be going well so far. he beat me home the other day and i found roses going up our steps and a note for each month we've been together. i'll never say that the stranger isnt a romantic.
what else. i scrubbed the carpets. i know this doesnt sound interesting at all, but i absolutely loved every second of it. maybe thats the manic part coming out again, but it made me feel much better.
i've had a headache all weekend which is partly my own fault. those rides at the fair whip you around more than i remember! there's a lot of things i'd forgotten. or tried to.
i am not pleased at the idea that students will be back in town next weekend. i know where i live i wont see as many of them, but still. it is the principle of the matter.
that reminded me, the newspaper wrote an article, and the road i live on is the third deadliest in the area (and area means this county, surrounding counties, etc.) and that there have been 35 wrecks so far this year. this does NOT make me feel safe at all. i've nearly been creamed on this road several times and i have a feeling winter is going to be worse.
dont want to end on a downer note though. lets see. how bout a joke. it goes like this: my dad asked laura whether she thought we (she and i) could have a double wedding reception. (you know, even though i'm not getting married anytime soon) and not bc it would be easier on guests or anything. on no. bc it would be cheaper. oh dad. you are a miser.
i hope everyone has had a good weekend. much love from my general direction.
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