i dont know that i can quite wrap my brain around the goings on of these last few days.
a guy i grew up with died in a motorcycle accident on thursday night. i was never super close to him but he was always really nice to me and made the school douchebag stop picking on me when i was a freshman in high school, so i always looked up to him. he'd had a rough time of things lately but had gotten his life back in order and had the most adorable little girl. it was a completely freak accident, hitting a deer. it really left me in shock and once again reminded me how quickly our time here can be taken away.
last night the stranger and i went on our 'fancy date' which means we put on clothes without wrinkles or holes, put on makeup (just me for that one, hah) and went to my most favorite italian place on the planet in fairmont. it was, as it always is, most delicious.
today we had several options but decided to head out 68 on an adventure. i took the stranger to the antique mall that i love dearly, and i found a 1909 copy of the book rebecca of sunnybrook farm and an equally old pewter figurine of a lady in a ball gown. the stranger found an some sort of old mining knife for his dad for his birthday. so we both came out of there happy. we then figured since we were out that way that we'd go out to coopers rock since the stranger had yet to see the henry clay iron furnace. so we start meandering down the rocky path, wearing the absolutely wrong footwear but convinced it would be fine. clearly you can see the error in this already. about 3/4 of a mile down this hill my sandal breaks in half. me being me i am livid and start marching back up the hill with one sandal on. at this point i should also point out (because i have no filter or shame) that i realized i had just met up with my monthly friend. this.pissed.me.off. so i start going off about how bears are going to eat us (bc as Brick Tamland said in Anchorman,"periods attract bears. The bears can smell the menstruation!")
the stranger being the chivalrous southerner that he is wouldnt let this obviously psychotic woman walk the rest of the way barefoot (probably feared my wrath upon reaching the top of the hill) and gave me his shoes and he went barefoot. he made it about a quarter of a mile before he figured he'd try to find a way to jimmy rig my sandals for him. so we sat down on a rock to rest and take some nature photos while i tried to think of a good way to keep said broken sandal on a foot. and the best thing i could come up with was my arm full of hairties. so we tried that and it held enough to get us back up the hill. so we think, this is funny, this kind of thing only happens to us, when!
a dog bites the stranger. i cant even make this shit up. there is a college couple walking a german shepherd down the hill, and it lunges at me. the stranger kinda pushes my ass out of the way and the dog latches down on his arm. at this point i flip the fuck out and the stranger gets incredibly quiet. this is his way of flipping out. it is scary to behold. the people basically just piss of and only say they are sorry one time. so we walk the rest of the way up the hill, broken sandal, blood dripping down his arm, me trying not to puke/pass out from the blood/freak out loudly.
he got all doctored up at the urgent care and got a scrip for some lovely drugs that should, in theory, kill dog mouth germs. while i was sitting in the waiting room for him i thought of all the crazy shit thats happened to him just in the last few months. saw a dead body from a car wreck, nearly got mugged (he says picked up for the sex trade) in the walmart parking lot, and now got bit by a dog. i am starting to think i am very very bad juju for him.
to try and make it up to him i took him to Tailpipes for dinner. it's a newer burger place in morgantown and i highly recommend it to everyone. i got a burger with peanut butter, bananas, onions, cheese, and bacon on it. and i know you are thinking to yourself that this sounds disgusting, but i'm telling you with everything in me that it was quite possibly the most amazing burger i've ever eaten in my life.
so now we're going to stay in and do our best to not get hurt or mauled by wild animals or set on fire or any other freak disaster that could possibly happen.
of course, there is always tomorrow.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Why yes. The first thing I did when I got in Braxton county was fall down a flight of stairs. Don't worry, my ass saved me.
With all the fun options here for an evening like going to the high school football game or the uniplex, I'm sitting on the couch watching scrubs. Roger Dorsey is a goldfish.
I get to experience my first UK/Louisville tailgate. I used it as an excuse to buy blue shoes. I am not ashamed.
Kinda sad today. But I'm ready for a lovely long weekend.

With all the fun options here for an evening like going to the high school football game or the uniplex, I'm sitting on the couch watching scrubs. Roger Dorsey is a goldfish.
I get to experience my first UK/Louisville tailgate. I used it as an excuse to buy blue shoes. I am not ashamed.
Kinda sad today. But I'm ready for a lovely long weekend.
Location:Dogwood Rd,Sutton,United States
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Dear fiber one fake poptart. You're not fooling anyone. You taste like brown sugar cinnamon garbage. I want my tastebuds back.

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Morgan Dr,Morgantown,United States
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
making a statement i shouldnt have to make
it's been pointed out to me i have two comments referring to the name of the trivia team from the other night. while i appreciate other peoples' opinions, and wholeheartedly ask for them, i believe if you are going to make a statement, that you do so with a name. not as anonymous. yes, that team name is offensive to some. did we set out to be offensive? no. did i even have anything to do with the naming of the team? no. do i think people are overreacting in regard to this? absolutely. yes it is crass, yes it was a horrible event in history, but people, get over yourselves. we live in a world of self-depricating humor bc if we didnt we'd never come out alive. if you cant, then at least have the testicular fortitude to tell me yourself instead of hiding behind a screen of anonymity.
i apologize if i have offended people, but at the same time, i dont. i open myself up here to scrutiny every day, you see the good, bad, and psychotic. i'm bound to offend someone. if it helps, i hate most WASPS in our world (see? i can make fun of myself!) i am an equal opportunity sarcasm machine. no one in this world is 'better than that' because someone is always going to offend someone else. you cant hide away in a box all your life or else you'll have missed out on the best part of it.
i'm all riled up now. i shouldnt have to apologize to people who wont even tell me who they are. at least i -am- better than that.
in other news, i grabbed the wrong tupperware out of the fridge this morning and will be having a lovely lunch of cucumbers. (oh man, she's talking smack on cucumbers. where are all the vegans out there)
it's been pointed out to me i have two comments referring to the name of the trivia team from the other night. while i appreciate other peoples' opinions, and wholeheartedly ask for them, i believe if you are going to make a statement, that you do so with a name. not as anonymous. yes, that team name is offensive to some. did we set out to be offensive? no. did i even have anything to do with the naming of the team? no. do i think people are overreacting in regard to this? absolutely. yes it is crass, yes it was a horrible event in history, but people, get over yourselves. we live in a world of self-depricating humor bc if we didnt we'd never come out alive. if you cant, then at least have the testicular fortitude to tell me yourself instead of hiding behind a screen of anonymity.
i apologize if i have offended people, but at the same time, i dont. i open myself up here to scrutiny every day, you see the good, bad, and psychotic. i'm bound to offend someone. if it helps, i hate most WASPS in our world (see? i can make fun of myself!) i am an equal opportunity sarcasm machine. no one in this world is 'better than that' because someone is always going to offend someone else. you cant hide away in a box all your life or else you'll have missed out on the best part of it.
i'm all riled up now. i shouldnt have to apologize to people who wont even tell me who they are. at least i -am- better than that.
in other news, i grabbed the wrong tupperware out of the fridge this morning and will be having a lovely lunch of cucumbers. (oh man, she's talking smack on cucumbers. where are all the vegans out there)
Monday, August 23, 2010
1. maybe its the weather (dont i always blame that?)
2. the stranger convinced me i have a knot in my spine. which in my mind (i.e. blow that shit out of proportion) i'm now convinced i'm a hunchback. a hunchback with what i still believe was once a tail? i'm a whole world of genetic fail.
2a. i know i have crappy posture and i know if i sat correctly this would probably help. i'm thinking about taking myself to the chiropractor for my birthday. hello, back brace!
3. i dont care if i had wings all weekend, i could really go for wings.
4. i think brick red is a very beautiful color.
5. i only slept 3 hours last night, and those three hours i had crappy dreams.
6. i need to go to the eye doctor bc everything in my right eye is cloudy. this is probably not a good thing. or maybe i just need to take out my contacts.
7. if you could have anything on this earth, what would it be?
8. so.... hows things?
9. i'm crocheting again. i dont know what i'm going to make. i just need to keep my hands busy.
10. i dont know why i wrote this. i think its bc my brain is going eighty four thousand directions. and it's raining. and i cant sleep.
11. is there ever a place and time where fantasy can become a reality? or is 99% the best there is?
12. i havent had caffeine. that probably explains this post.
2. the stranger convinced me i have a knot in my spine. which in my mind (i.e. blow that shit out of proportion) i'm now convinced i'm a hunchback. a hunchback with what i still believe was once a tail? i'm a whole world of genetic fail.
2a. i know i have crappy posture and i know if i sat correctly this would probably help. i'm thinking about taking myself to the chiropractor for my birthday. hello, back brace!
3. i dont care if i had wings all weekend, i could really go for wings.
4. i think brick red is a very beautiful color.
5. i only slept 3 hours last night, and those three hours i had crappy dreams.
6. i need to go to the eye doctor bc everything in my right eye is cloudy. this is probably not a good thing. or maybe i just need to take out my contacts.
7. if you could have anything on this earth, what would it be?
8. so.... hows things?
9. i'm crocheting again. i dont know what i'm going to make. i just need to keep my hands busy.
10. i dont know why i wrote this. i think its bc my brain is going eighty four thousand directions. and it's raining. and i cant sleep.
11. is there ever a place and time where fantasy can become a reality? or is 99% the best there is?
12. i havent had caffeine. that probably explains this post.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Team Anne Frank Hide and Seek Champions 1941-1945 did not do so well at trivia tonight. 8th place.
I only knew the answers for star wars and a Michael Jackson questions.
There will be a rematch.
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I only knew the answers for star wars and a Michael Jackson questions.
There will be a rematch.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Lockwood Dr,Morgantown,United States
Things I've accomplished this weekend include eating my weight in poultry at the chicken wing cook off, finding the cow house in south park, talking myself out of buyin eight books at the store (but still coming home with four. Let's be honest here.), reading two of said books (although one was mostly photos as it was a history of Morgantown ), and preparing my brain for trivia night at the pub in an hour. No, not grand by any means, but I've been in a gloomy type of mood as of late, so these simple things are good enough for me.
I hope everyone had a good and delicious weekend. Lovelove.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I hope everyone had a good and delicious weekend. Lovelove.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Lockwood Dr,Morgantown,United States
Thursday, August 19, 2010
you gotta eat your spinnach, baby
so i'm beginning to realize how amazing netflix is. do you know that they have most of the shirley temple movies on the instant queue??
i dont think i've ever explained my love of shirley temple. when i was little i wanted to be her. i had the vhs of all her movies. i learned all her dances and songs. i tried so hard to have corkscrew curls (this was obviously impossible as i had long, stick straight hair). i remember reenacting some of my favorite scenes with laura and michael. she was my tap dancing hero.
i couldnt sleep the other night and stayed up watching Rebbecca of Sunnybrook Farm. i've probably not seen this in 15+ years easy. but each part came back like i had just watched it yesterday. i've said it before but i'll say it again... they do not make movies like they used to.
in slightly more grown up news, i found a house that i want to buy. i know it's just pipedreaming, but i was made for this house. maybe it's because i'm still stuck in the mindset of looking at all those old morgantown photos, but this is my dream house. its an old old old brick row house in the older residential part of star city. i loved it from the outside and when i looked it up online (yes, i did some research) it is absolutely beautiful on the inside. i showed it to the Stranger and he liked it too. to the point that he started doing math to figure out if we could get it. we both have good credit and with his raise kicking in we could well afford it. but holy cow. that brought on a big ol panic attack. thats serious. like, serious serious. but i'd give most anything to live in that old house.
i found a new part of the rail trail and i think i'm in love with nature again. its on this side of town and there is a marina that i didnt know existed and its just a really nice quiet hobo-free part of the trail. i think i'll be spending a lot of time there once its not so muggy.
saturday is the chicken wing cook-off in town. you know what that means. i'm eatin my weight in wings. nom nom nom.
i've been having crazy realistic dreams lately. ones that mess up my whole day. i'd really appreciate if they would stop.
i dont think i've ever explained my love of shirley temple. when i was little i wanted to be her. i had the vhs of all her movies. i learned all her dances and songs. i tried so hard to have corkscrew curls (this was obviously impossible as i had long, stick straight hair). i remember reenacting some of my favorite scenes with laura and michael. she was my tap dancing hero.
i couldnt sleep the other night and stayed up watching Rebbecca of Sunnybrook Farm. i've probably not seen this in 15+ years easy. but each part came back like i had just watched it yesterday. i've said it before but i'll say it again... they do not make movies like they used to.
in slightly more grown up news, i found a house that i want to buy. i know it's just pipedreaming, but i was made for this house. maybe it's because i'm still stuck in the mindset of looking at all those old morgantown photos, but this is my dream house. its an old old old brick row house in the older residential part of star city. i loved it from the outside and when i looked it up online (yes, i did some research) it is absolutely beautiful on the inside. i showed it to the Stranger and he liked it too. to the point that he started doing math to figure out if we could get it. we both have good credit and with his raise kicking in we could well afford it. but holy cow. that brought on a big ol panic attack. thats serious. like, serious serious. but i'd give most anything to live in that old house.
i found a new part of the rail trail and i think i'm in love with nature again. its on this side of town and there is a marina that i didnt know existed and its just a really nice quiet hobo-free part of the trail. i think i'll be spending a lot of time there once its not so muggy.
saturday is the chicken wing cook-off in town. you know what that means. i'm eatin my weight in wings. nom nom nom.
i've been having crazy realistic dreams lately. ones that mess up my whole day. i'd really appreciate if they would stop.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Don't shake it like a Polaroid
Sunday, August 15, 2010
back, i promise
hello dear readers. i fell off the planet big time. in my defense, it really has been busy around here. and i was sick a quarter of forever. when i finally went to the doctor, i had a sinus, upper respiratory, and ear infection. they filled me up with an assortment of antibiotics, and here we are. i still cough like a smoker, but we're getting there.
so what else has happened. i went to my first Pirates baseball game which was awesome even though the pirates suck. we sat five rows back on the first baseline. thats a hell of a place to sit, let me tell you.
i went with friends to the pittsburgh zoo, which is always a good time. taking a 3 year old to the zoo always makes it a different experience. who knew her favorite exhibit would be the sharks? haha
what else. i cant remember far back enough as to whether i posted about z's birthday. i think i did. going to the top of mount washington was fun, and church brew was even more fun.
last sunday was the family reunion, which wasnt as painful as in past years. partly bc there werent as many people there and partly bc laura got the focus since she's getting married. believe me, that was just fine by me.
calypso and thor got in a fight and thor went mike tyson on her and bit off part of her ear. mom fixed it (and i'm not kidding) with super glue. she looks a little cockeyed but nothing phases her.
this weekend we have done absolutely nothing, which frankly was awesome. for as much as we've been on the road lately, it was good to just sleep on the couch bed and watch movies all day. we did go to the Mon county fair friday night, which was interesting in the fact that it was clean. maybe i really am just used to the one at home, but these rides were safe and the carnies were presentable (if not attractive some of them) and it didnt smell like mud and shit everywhere. i didnt know such things existed. i won the Stranger a blue bear at skee ball because i am a champion. and we watched part of the demolition derby which i have to tell you, was pretty interesting. i think i would like that, just running into other cars on purpose. it would take out a lot of rage i would think.
work wise things are the same as always. the internships are over but luckily we've hired on some of them. i'm glad to keep (a couple of them anyway) around.
the Stranger started grad school and things seem to be going well so far. he beat me home the other day and i found roses going up our steps and a note for each month we've been together. i'll never say that the stranger isnt a romantic.
what else. i scrubbed the carpets. i know this doesnt sound interesting at all, but i absolutely loved every second of it. maybe thats the manic part coming out again, but it made me feel much better.
i've had a headache all weekend which is partly my own fault. those rides at the fair whip you around more than i remember! there's a lot of things i'd forgotten. or tried to.
i am not pleased at the idea that students will be back in town next weekend. i know where i live i wont see as many of them, but still. it is the principle of the matter.
that reminded me, the newspaper wrote an article, and the road i live on is the third deadliest in the area (and area means this county, surrounding counties, etc.) and that there have been 35 wrecks so far this year. this does NOT make me feel safe at all. i've nearly been creamed on this road several times and i have a feeling winter is going to be worse.
dont want to end on a downer note though. lets see. how bout a joke. it goes like this: my dad asked laura whether she thought we (she and i) could have a double wedding reception. (you know, even though i'm not getting married anytime soon) and not bc it would be easier on guests or anything. on no. bc it would be cheaper. oh dad. you are a miser.
i hope everyone has had a good weekend. much love from my general direction.
so what else has happened. i went to my first Pirates baseball game which was awesome even though the pirates suck. we sat five rows back on the first baseline. thats a hell of a place to sit, let me tell you.
i went with friends to the pittsburgh zoo, which is always a good time. taking a 3 year old to the zoo always makes it a different experience. who knew her favorite exhibit would be the sharks? haha
what else. i cant remember far back enough as to whether i posted about z's birthday. i think i did. going to the top of mount washington was fun, and church brew was even more fun.
last sunday was the family reunion, which wasnt as painful as in past years. partly bc there werent as many people there and partly bc laura got the focus since she's getting married. believe me, that was just fine by me.
calypso and thor got in a fight and thor went mike tyson on her and bit off part of her ear. mom fixed it (and i'm not kidding) with super glue. she looks a little cockeyed but nothing phases her.
this weekend we have done absolutely nothing, which frankly was awesome. for as much as we've been on the road lately, it was good to just sleep on the couch bed and watch movies all day. we did go to the Mon county fair friday night, which was interesting in the fact that it was clean. maybe i really am just used to the one at home, but these rides were safe and the carnies were presentable (if not attractive some of them) and it didnt smell like mud and shit everywhere. i didnt know such things existed. i won the Stranger a blue bear at skee ball because i am a champion. and we watched part of the demolition derby which i have to tell you, was pretty interesting. i think i would like that, just running into other cars on purpose. it would take out a lot of rage i would think.
work wise things are the same as always. the internships are over but luckily we've hired on some of them. i'm glad to keep (a couple of them anyway) around.
the Stranger started grad school and things seem to be going well so far. he beat me home the other day and i found roses going up our steps and a note for each month we've been together. i'll never say that the stranger isnt a romantic.
what else. i scrubbed the carpets. i know this doesnt sound interesting at all, but i absolutely loved every second of it. maybe thats the manic part coming out again, but it made me feel much better.
i've had a headache all weekend which is partly my own fault. those rides at the fair whip you around more than i remember! there's a lot of things i'd forgotten. or tried to.
i am not pleased at the idea that students will be back in town next weekend. i know where i live i wont see as many of them, but still. it is the principle of the matter.
that reminded me, the newspaper wrote an article, and the road i live on is the third deadliest in the area (and area means this county, surrounding counties, etc.) and that there have been 35 wrecks so far this year. this does NOT make me feel safe at all. i've nearly been creamed on this road several times and i have a feeling winter is going to be worse.
dont want to end on a downer note though. lets see. how bout a joke. it goes like this: my dad asked laura whether she thought we (she and i) could have a double wedding reception. (you know, even though i'm not getting married anytime soon) and not bc it would be easier on guests or anything. on no. bc it would be cheaper. oh dad. you are a miser.
i hope everyone has had a good weekend. much love from my general direction.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Who has two thumbs and bangs!

Impulse haircut. Luckily they can be sideswept when they piss me off.
A real blog will come soon. I promise. I've been busy and sick.
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Impulse haircut. Luckily they can be sideswept when they piss me off.
A real blog will come soon. I promise. I've been busy and sick.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:N Shore Trail (Part of the 3 Rivers Heritage Trail),Pittsburgh,United States
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
that one time, i thought i had a good idea, and it blew up in my face, you know. you were there.
so. in a moment of brilliance (stupidity) we decided to get a cat. this is completely ignoring the fact that i knew i was mildly allergic to cats. we could just clean more! so sunday we came home from petco with an adorable little black kitten, ignoring the fact that i'm sneezing all over it.
what we didnt anticipate is that the dog would also be allergic to it. severely allergic. laying on her side all rigid and having an asthma attack allergic. so now the kitten has to go back which breaks my heart bc it's a nice little cat, but i love my idiot dog. plus, as it turns out, i'm not so mildly allergic to the felines, but quite allergic indeed. to the point that i had to take the delicious sleeping pills last night just to pass out bc i couldnt stop coughing.
lesson learned there, kids.
today is the stranger's bday, so if you talk to him, wish him a happy one. i've tried to make it a really good one for him. i took about eighty thousand steps backward on sunday, but, live and learn. i meant to wake up when he got up this morning to wish him a happy one, but those sleeping pills, they are just amazing. he said i told him something about hamburgers and passed back out. i could really go for a hamburger, actually.
at any rate. it's august. i dont know if that means anything really. things are just kinda holding steady.
what we didnt anticipate is that the dog would also be allergic to it. severely allergic. laying on her side all rigid and having an asthma attack allergic. so now the kitten has to go back which breaks my heart bc it's a nice little cat, but i love my idiot dog. plus, as it turns out, i'm not so mildly allergic to the felines, but quite allergic indeed. to the point that i had to take the delicious sleeping pills last night just to pass out bc i couldnt stop coughing.
lesson learned there, kids.
today is the stranger's bday, so if you talk to him, wish him a happy one. i've tried to make it a really good one for him. i took about eighty thousand steps backward on sunday, but, live and learn. i meant to wake up when he got up this morning to wish him a happy one, but those sleeping pills, they are just amazing. he said i told him something about hamburgers and passed back out. i could really go for a hamburger, actually.
at any rate. it's august. i dont know if that means anything really. things are just kinda holding steady.
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