one of the top five reasons why i dont think, if i was 100% honest with myself, i could move too much further south is humidity. i feel like i'm breathing underwater here today. the only good thing about this rain/storm mess is my head finally stopped throbbing.
today has been a grey sweatpants no makeup kind of day. all i've done is watch movies. iron man, tron (wtf that movie would make more since if i was on stronger drugs), dog day afternoon, role models, the proposal, and now a mythbusters marathon. does this make me a loser? probably. but most of you love me, or at least tell me you do, anyway.
the most exciting thing i did today was paint my nails. grey, to match the day outside.
a bird has built its nest in on the fence in the back yard. this drives calypso crazy because she can see it but cant reach it. i, of course, find much humor in this. i want to get a chair and get up there and see if its still eggs or babies, but you're not supposed to disturb them, right? bc the bird wont come back or something? someone help me out here.
so leann and i have decided since we have a high tech gym at work free to our disposal, we should probably use it. so wednesday (bc committing to working out on a monday is just painful) we start. we also have the rail trail in the compound (how awesome is that, that we have a 2 mile trail through the woods that only employees can use. how long we'll stick to this, who knows. but. it's a start, right?
i'm trying to think of an interesting story. calypso was cute and took a nap with me like a little person under the blankets. she's still not used to the move i dont think, but she's getting better.
i have nothing exciting to say. mythbusters just proved that you can make a rope out of hair or toilet paper and escape from jail. good to know, kids. good to know...
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