Monday, May 3, 2010

photos of the abode

something more chipper. here are a few photos of the new place. it's only part of the upstairs. i'm not ready to show you the living room yet. it will be my masterpiece.

yes, its just a bathroom. but look at my super awesome shower curtain!

a view of my room. i can't take a level picture to save my life.

another crooked photo. I swear the bed and the paintings are even. (bedding by target, paintings by laura)

my super awesome Eddie Spaghetti art. once again, crummy photo. on the inside of the doors it the fortune cookie fortune that says "and all for love and nothing for reward." i think that pretty much sums me up.
I got a super awesome stand up jewelry box and all my jewelry is now painstakingly organized. see! organization yay! (dude, i'm tryin here.) and in this photo is a plant i havent killed (yet) and yours truly age 3 on top of the jewelry box.

I just wanted to show you the level of organization. you may not be able to tell, but everything really is in rainbow order. in all locations. yay OCDs!

and the view up the steps. i'm trying to spread my art out throughout the house instead of focusing it on one wall.

so i'm gettin there. next time i take photos i'll get all of downstairs. and you'll be proud of me. yes. yes you will.


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